And so to botswana!!
We both loved Namibia and were sad to say goodbye. Spent the last few days out in the sticks with only one night in civilisation at windhoek (said vindhook, lots of german influence in the country). A huge city in the middle of nowhere, lots to do and very friendly people. Even managed to find a pricewaterhousecooper office!
Spent two days in Etosha national park, not as much wildlife as kruger but it does have a floodlit waterhole right beside the camp where you can sit at night and watch the animals come down and drink. We saw a great old bull elephant and white rhino on the first night (along with the usual giraffes, zebras, wildbeast, springbok, oryx etc) and the second night we were lucky enough to see both a male lion and two cheetahs, was incredible. Staying there has made us much more relaxed about the wildlife around the tents aswell, every night jakels, scorpions, big spiders and bugs would come and say hello!
Crossed the border yesterday to botswana and spend last night in ghanzi with the san tribe. Beautiful coffee coloured people who are still teaching their children to live off the land although modernisation is taking a hold. We slept in grass huts and ate traditional botswana meal of meat, salad and pap (maize meal, the staple diet of most of africa and is just like mash potatoe!)
The tribe walked us out into the bush and showed us all the uses of the different plants, they were really love people who all talked in clicks, we had an interpreter who was a really good laugh.
Today we are in the small town of maun, stocking up and getting a sense of civilisation before heading to the okavango delta tommorow! we're canoeing out to one of the islands and sleeping under canvas amidst all the wild animals - no fence or wall seperates us from the lions and elephants that roam the delta, mo might not be sleeping that much!!! looking forward to it though.
botswana seems to have so much more life than namibia, small villages are dotted through the country side with cows and donkeys roaming all over the place. The people here are still very tribal orientated, some still wearing the traditional clothes. Botswanas much greener aswell, surprising as its further inland. Its apparently much hotter, our driver told us of tyres blowing up due to overheating if you go faster than 80kmph here! argh!
Average temperature at the moment is late 30s to 40s at midday and never going below 20 at night. Our bodies have adjusted though. Even kezzy is managing ok now.
Im afraid still no photos can be upload, i have the disc sitting beside me but the computers here cant handle it so your all still going to have to wait.
Hope all is good in a cold and dreary scotland! we cant believe christmas is round the corner when your in 40 degree heat each day!
Miss you all lots but still having a ball - send us an email updating us on life back home
Love mo and kezzy x x x
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