As we started to arrive into Pattaya we began to suddenly thought where the heck are we going to even start to look for a place to stay; the place was huge!!!
Luckily a guy on the bus heard our conversation and took pity on us. He was getting off soon and we thought we would do the same. I ran around a few hotels finding out if they had a room and what the prices were and we finally decided on a lovely resort, thought we deserved a bit of luxury so we booked in for the three nights. Our room was fab, we were feeling our usual proper sweaty betty selves and were so excited at the prospect of getting into a nice shower and sleeping in a nice clean bed. We broke the bank and paid 15 pound each a night instead of our usual 6-10 lol but was well worth it. We had a quick nosey around and got changed to head out and see the sights of Pattaya. The fact the hotel provided condoms for sale in one of the drawers was a sign of what was to come!!
We had heard about the fab taxi service they ran in Pattaya where you paid 20p and could literally go all over. We jumped on one and decided to stay on until we seen a decent area to eat then jump off. The place was hilarious - some of the names of the bars make you chuckle; p**** s Bar Beer, Lucky Bar, Best Friends Bar hmmmm. We also thought we had seen it all with all the perves with the gorgeous women in other places but this was well and truely the worst. Some men had well been drawing their pension for some time and had girls literally teenagers hanging off their arms, what a sight seeing them oggle them eeeee!!! We spent most of the time there in disgust and shock haha. Although I spose good on them eh? They must feel 18 again thats for sure. We asked around and seemingly many of them are around 30 pound for 24 hours and many men pay for them for the duration of their stay and obvsiously feed them etc. The way some of the men looked at you there im sure they thought we were up to the same thing!
We found ourselves on Walking Street which we later found out was a famous street in Pattaya. The streets were packed with bars, clearly attracting men. They were full of Thai women ready to entertain the men; some were dressed in Tennis outfits others in proper little skimpy costumes. We started to walk along but it was so busy and the yukky old men looking us up and down soon put us off so we decided to turn back.
Pattaya was well and truely tacky with a capital T but what a laugh. We were keeping our fingers crossed the sun would shine the next day so we could chill by the lovely pool and it did, yehh!!
After breakfast we lay by the pool, it was so nice and chilled. The place seemed to be full of Germans, many of which felt the need to watch your every move. We eventually got talking to a few of them, one of which a 70 year old who felt the need to communicate through a younger guy who spoke English and say that he literally fancied me. Liek you want to know that. The younger guy, Chris, seemed nice so we chatted to him for quite a bit. He was telling us about the resort and what he had been up to. He is an Athlete and goes all over the world competing in various events. He has just won the event in Bangkok the day before. He asked if he could meet us that night for dinner and drinks.
We had a gorgeous meal and a few drinks and headed back to Walking Street - thinking we would be safe now that we had a man on our arm! As we walked along the rain came and eventually was pouring down. We ended up taking shelter in a bar and couldnt leave for ages as it was so bad. We ended up having a game of pool. No alcohol was being served as it was Buddhist Day and they didnt servce alcohol or play music in respect. You couldnt even buy any fromt he shops either!! When the rain started to calm down a bit we took a run for it and got a taxi back to the hotel. It was some sight as we drove along the roads. Many of them were totally flooded, it was total madness; people were out with buckets trying to clear their shops fronts etc.
Tuesday morning ended up raining so we headed to do some shopping. I had made an appointment to have my teeth whitened at 2 and wasnt feeling great so headed up the road and Danni continued to have some retail therapy. Typical, as I headed for my dental appointment the sun started to come out. Dan headed to the pool for her last sun bathing session of the holiday.
My tooth whitening session was an experience to say the least. The staff were fantastic but I didnt quite get how sensitive my poor teeth woudl be after the treatment. After sitting in the chair for 2 hours with this mad shield in my mouth it was done and I too got my last hour in the sunshine!!
As the sun went down we sat with a few couples we had got chatting to from New Zealand who invited us over to join them for a drink. I had to give it a miss but Dannielle enjoyed a few beers with them abnd we chated for a few hours; they were lovely. As the night went on I could barely speak as the sensitivity was getting so bad. But we got changed and headed out. We decided to book our hotel for the next night in Bangkok so we didnt have the usual hassle when we arrived; we got this organised and booked our taxi. I was a bore and went to bed early so Dan went and spent some time with our little German friend, Chris.
We were pleased to see the rain this morning when we left Pattaya lol. We wre picked up at 10.30 and had our 2 hour journey to Bangkok ahead of us As we were about to leave Dannielle read in the paper that there had been another bomb a few days previously, just what we wanted to hear when we were about to head there eh??
Goodbye Pattaya, youv been a right laugh!! :-)
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