The running of the bulls or "Enceiro" was amazing. The people are hands down the worst and most dangerous of the entire event. There are those that stop and try and taunt the bulls and others that are drunk and fall and could cause you to trip. I honestly think that running next to the bulls if you can keep up is the best because they stay together as best as they can like a herd, as the Clymer family said. : ) Then again you have the people who are gonna wet themselves when they see the bulls and fall or try and touch them etc.
My strategy was to let the mob pass and run after the first bull herd went by then get into Plaza de Torro just after them before the second herd of straggling dangerous bulls that get separated from the herd. The plan worked like magic. I have a video of me running that I will post when I have access to a faster internet connection. It will be on YouTube.
It was one of the most incredible rushes you can get in your life when you know there are bulls and a mass of people running after you. WOW WHAT A RUSH.! I will definitely do it again some other year!
Yesterday was a relaxing day in Funes, where Rebecca and Dimitri have their house. I made them Jucy Lucy's for lunch and then we went up into the mantanas. The rural countryside of Spain is just amazing there are mountains and river valleys with gorges and orchards, just unreal. Great day yesterday, we also had sangria with my favorite madre and padre in spain(Rebecca's mom and dad). They are so amazing we sat and drank for several hours and had a great time in their amazing home. You really feel like family when you are here with them. Just amazing.
I leave for Paris tomorrow night. Tonight Spain wins the world cup and wow what a party that will be.
Me gusta mucha Funes y mantanas y Spanish madre y padre y spain y etc.
Thank you to all that are reading and posting comments on the blog I read every one of them.
Ame- I am thinking about the forest gump idea it's a maybe. It is just so dam hot right now I don't think more hair is the best… right now.
Nick- thanks for the comment and vivo not viva got it : ) still working on the Spanish , hope all is well in UK.
Alberto- hell yeah man you were 100% right about the cloths looking like rubbish the chupinazo was amazing. I love spain, why would you leave? : )
Judy- I have been way to safe… its time to get reckless…ahah
Getch-ahha yeah more pics to come, and I couldn't eat the meat I don't know what they do with bull after the fight. Although I did sneak into a fight with the bulls I ran with. It is interesting watching a bull fight all the people are wasted and come with there own beer or sangria and in large tubs. It is very cruel to the animal, but the people have a lot of respect for the bull as well… so I don't know still on the fence.
Sharon- I hope I can make it to nice it has been rough trying to find a couch in the Riviera, but we will see if not my plan B is Normandy and the WWII cemetery there.
- comments
Sharon O.G. I am loving this. The blog, the photos. I can just imagine how excited you are. In the Sunday paper was girl from Minnesota who was supossedly protesting at the running of the bulls - cruelty to animals. Did you see any of that? Keep on having fun.
Sharon O.G. I am loving this. The blog, the photos. I can just imagine how excited you are. In the Sunday paper was girl from Minnesota who was supossedly protesting at the running of the bulls - cruelty to animals. Did you see any of that? Keep on having fun. By the way - glad you survived, the bulls.
Linda Spain rocked in the World Cup, did you get to any of the festivities of the World Cup?