A bit late but Internet in South America is pretty average.
Alright. It's time for another thrilling instalment of our world tour blog. Currently writing this on the bumpiest of untarmaced roads in Brazil in our cosy minivan... Oh wait here's some Tarmac. Anyway, so we left Australia and boarded our 12 hour flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina. First port of call... Bed. A 12 hour time zone swing is pretty hard to get over it turns out. Our hostel was pretty safe and when we eventually got up we booked ourselves onto the 'crazy train' bar crawl. Litre beers are about 80p so Argentina immediately became a fan's favourite.
We headed out on our bar crawl through BA hitting numerous bars and trying our best to understand Spanish and Portuguese (lots of pointing and waving of arms were involved). Oh yeah, and nothing happens early in BA. Eventually boarded the 'crazy train' about 2:15am, which it turns out was not a train at all but a bus disguised as a boat. Make your mind up but Incredible scenes all the same. Headed to Pacha a few miles out of town and listened to our favourite music, house. Man I love house music. All that repetiveness and what not really gets me going. So raved it up until 5am then waited in torrential rain for a taxi before bed at 7am. Good first night in South America.
Woke at 7:30pm, but no worries because dinner doesn't kick of till gone 10pm. Had the best steaks of our lives. Seriously, it's worth a plane ticket to Argentina just for the steak. And it was about a tenner too. Result. After we headed to club one which was an awesome club of 3 floors, confetti, girls with guns and loads of gay men. One really came onto me and waited outside the toilet for me so I pretended to be gay with Kenz and did a runner into the crowd. Club closed and street party kicked off. Some legend blaring tunes from his car while every gets crazy in the street. Another late night and didn't sleep before checkout at 11am. Walked around the famous cemetery in the day like zombies and saw Evita's grave. Culture - done. Also still hadn't met anyone English for a change which was kind of cool.
So, then we bust out of BA and flew to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Got to our hostel. Oh my dayz. The taxi driver laughed at it. What a hovel. A fiver a night got you no security, a room of 20 odd beds with no air-con, bed bugs and an angry black man who was not happy at Kenz when he took his fan. However, right near Ipanema beach which was awesome. About 32+ degrees everyday. Couldn't find much nightlife and it turns out Brazilian's aren't to welcome of tourists. Plastic cups for us! Moved to Copacabana which was way more awesome. Cool hostel which hosted a sick all you can eat and drink BBQ. Befriended a Brazilian who basically looked after us for 3 days. Unless you speak Portugese, Brazil is hard to get around. Went to big Jesus and sugar loaf (big mountain) but it was Easter and Brazilian's love Easter, like really love Easter. So they were out in force doing the touristy things meaning we couldn't do them. Lame. But stayed in a motel, which came complete with sex menu and bare mirrors on the ceiling. Classy. Went out to a place called Lapa which is basically one huge street party. What i imagined Brazil nightlife to be like. Hit a club around 3am with a live samba band. I ended up leaving about 6am, getting in car with some brand new Brazilian friends, driving around copa until the sun came out then driving to their hostel 30mins away to continue drinking. Hit the hay about 3pm the following day.
We then met our group for our Southern Cross Tour. Safe bunch of people with some good tois. Following day we headed to Ilha Grande, which is home to the 4th nicest beach in the world. We found a dead whale and a dying turtle which George from the group tried to save... Unsuccessfully. It was pretty much brown bread. However it was really rainy there and i imagine it was awesome when lathered in glorious sunshine. From there, we headed to Paraty, a quaint little town where we got drunk in a boat and saw a live turtle! Swings and roundabouts. Also turns out i make a quality caipirinha (Alcoholic Brazilan cocktail). Not really surprised.
Cheeky drive to Sao Paulo ready for a 15 hour night bus ride to Iguassu which was home to the most incredible waterfalls. It looks like Jurassic Park minus the dinosaurs... Obviously. Went to the Brazilian and Argentinian side and even got a speed boat right up to the falls. Got wet. This waterfall called Devil's Throat was incredible, just huge. Puts Niagra to shame with its rainbows and what not Also the royal wedding happened. Kate looked hot. We also shot across to Paraguay for a bit of shopping. Bought a totally real Fluminense (our new fav Brazilian team) shirt for 2quid. Also went to this guys house for a pool party and BBQ. Swam in my pants.
Another long overnight bus, which was unbelievably uncomfortable to Bonito. Invented some pretty awesome sleeping positions though. Went to a park which was nice but I brown breaded myself falling over kicking the football. The bumps on this bus are not helping my spine right now. And yesterday just chilled in the sun. Oh yeah, and I ate crocodile. Piranhas are next on the menu.
Safe, that's it for now. Pretty long blog but I got stuff to say.
Until, next time... Toby and Kenz
- comments
Eddie you guy's are having just to much fun keep it up !!!!!
Rich Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous Jealous ... you get the idea!