hello boys and girls,
where do we start since the last time you all heard from us, i dont know whether we mentioned or not but we spent 5 days on an island called kho samed just east of bangkok, it was real good to get away from the big city life and live it up on a beach for a couple of days in our own little bungalow and the added bonus of sharing with two pretty fit swedish birds (who by the way looked exactly how you imagine swedish girls to look like,pictures coming soon i promise boys!!)
unfortunately we had to leave this cosy position of dining and boat trippin with swedish girls to return back to the city to meet garnett and danny (not really worth it when we saw the state of garnetts bleach blonde hair) but any way the first night out was filled with excitement as you can guess, danny and garnett were no way near ready for the whisky and red bull buckets and were absolutely out of their trees by nine o'clock, danny was mooning thai people having dinner in a restaurant next to us and garnett was dancing with a street musician on his head trying to play the guitar at the same time... it all ended in tears as he dropped this poor 70 year old bloke!! garnett was also so disappointed that as he crawled up the stairs to the club they denied him entry, thats pretty good going in a place like Khoa San Road! it ended up as a good night as Drogba scored the vital goal at 5.30AM to level against barca!!
woodley and myself then headed north to chiang mai where we have been for the past five days, we went on a 3day 2 night trek in the jungle, it started off with elephant riding that was pretty cool but not fair on the ele's,especially seeing them wild on safari. we walked at least 5 hours each day and stayed in hillside tribes, it certainly was an experience and to be in bed by 8.00pm on a full moon party night was an added bonus of the trip!! we finished the trekking with an hour of bamboo rafting, a wicked way to relax except for when water snakes head for the raft, woodley shat himself and nearly jumped over board!!
after getting off the bamboo rafting and woodley heading for the toilet (no reason of the snake) he only noticed richard butler, in the middle of the thai jungle!!! also that night back in chiang mai we bumped into paul simmons, remember him!!
anyway going to phuket tonight, a 15 hour coach journey for just 5 pounds, meeting up with garnett and danny again where apparently they have both been arrested for crashing their mopeds, dont worry parents we'll sort them out!!
stay in touch dont be a stranger!!
Happy Birthday Mother!!! love Dave xx (have you got the flowers yet?)
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