Hi Kell, I loved to read your account of the trip to Cairns. It sounded like you had a wonderful time. Just a shame you had to endure rough weather. I am so proud of you making this trip all on your own. I am sure you will look back on this with many fond memories.
Keep having a good time and be safe.
Luv dad....
Nan & G
Hi Kelly.
Have just been informed that you have sent us a BLOG!Sounds as if you are haaving a wonderful time. Nan was so pleased when you phoned her, and been on about it to every one. Will look forward to your next adventure.
Love G
Driving to the winery would have been OK but driving back would have been a Non-Starter. I am glad you enjoyed the trip. Did you try the "Nouson Woga Woga" It has a bouquet like an Abo's armpit.
Not really done anything else to mention on the blog, but got a few trips coming up soon so there will be a few more entries to look out for
Nan And Grandad
Hi Kelly.
We are glad to hear you are okay loved the blog send more. We will keep a look out regular
Love N & G
Well I had another adventure yesterday but forgot my camera but hopefully there should be another installment to the blog this week sometime.
Glad the postcard arrived, thought you'd like to get something with a bit more of a personal touch.
Hi Kel, Nice to see you have the blog up and running. You have some interesting pictures. I spoke with Carole my mate Den's wife and they said you are welcome to visit them if you get up Melbourne way.