Kells travels
So ever since discovering I liked Rose after Nina's wedding I decided to go on a wine tasting tour to see whether I could mature my taste buds into liking a white or red wine.... what a silly me to think I could fool myself into liking one!! I tried about 20 whites & reds differing from all types surprising enough I liked only 1 of the white wine which being the classy girl I am was the cheapest ha ha. Had a good laugh though went with my friend Michaela who is German with an Irish accent v.odd!! We also had to try different ports & shots, I was feeling the vodka shots... oh & I liked the chocolate tasting too.
Before we got the the vinyards we visited a nature reserve where I finally got to see my first Kangaroo's & Kuala's, I fed the roo's & one nearly had my eye out.. prob cos I was teasing it with sugar puffs ha ha then the emu's felt left out & tried to peck me BLOODY THINGS!! Got to stroke the Kuala's but not hold them as the lazy things were sleeping, I think I would like one as a pet v.cute. Have some pics for u all too see when eventually upload them.
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