Day 8: Hicksville National Park, Thursday 1st November
It was Halloween last night and Maureen was nostalgic as to how the monsters got on back home? We were awake at 6 this morning and away by 7.30, I had gone for a shower and there was a 2-3ft snake on the steps (black . . . don't ask me what sort, as neither of us introduced ourselves), the snake shot off and I checked out the shower cubicle very carefully in case his brother was in there. We did over 400k (petrol is approximately half that in the UK) and ended up at Smalleys Beach Camp Ground in Cape Hillsborough National Park, this was a really remote and beautiful place where we had a mile of beach to ourselves and another mile on either side, if that wasn't enough! I had found a shovel a couple of days before which was handy because you had to dig your own loo . . . I knew those Ray Mears books would come in handy! I would like to say that it was peaceful but it certainly wasn't at night, there are so many birds and animals roaming through the forest it sounded like armies marching by at times, I have to say that it didn't stop Maureen from sleeping though. It seems to be quite natural to go to bed early (it's pitch black at 7) and get up when it gets light 5.30ish when it is also cooler.
Day 9: Cape Hillsborough National Park, Friday 2nd November
I had determined to try the camp shower supplied with the van, as the camp ground obviously had no showers, this is basically a plastic bag with a tap/shower head on it that you attach to a tree or something and get under it and Bob's your fathers brother . . . well I have to say that standing SBN at 6 in the morning in the middle of a rainforest is an invigorating experience, especially if you forget to put some warm water in it. Before I got to have my shower I discovered this enormous spider which Maureen was sure was deadly, but was later identified as a "Hunters Spider" which is perfectly harmless. Anyway after the closing down ceremony of the loo we were on our way, for a much more leisurely distance today, first we went to Mackay Marina to try and blag an internet connection from the rich b*****s there, where we managed to upload our latest pics and blog, which you should all have got . . . if you haven't please complain in writing to the Mackay Marina Authority! A further 100k down the road we came to Clearview where we had been told about a "free" camping spot, we checked it out and decided it was a little too "pikey" . . . they're all a bit that way and definitely not up to Caravan Club standard. Having said that 400 metres up the road was the best and dearest (19$) one we have stayed in yet (for facilities, not location). Really pushed the boat out today and have ordered the "dish of the day" not that there's a choice, it is chicken surprise, when I asked the lady what the surprise was she said "you'll be surprised when you taste it!" We went for a walk along the beach for an hour or so and saw some white chested sea eagles catching their tea. Our tea was OK but couldn't be described as Haute Cuisine nor did we expect it to be for $29 all in with the drinks (£14 to you Poms!)
Day 10: Clearview to Byfield Saturday 3rd November
Left around 9 a.m this morning after a noisey night, site was situated along a main road and railway track with trains running throughout the night although this didn't appear to worry Maureen - slept through the lot. The local birds are beautiful,green orange and blue parrots but the b*****s will not keep still long enough to get pictures.The gaps between town on the A1 (Bruce Highway) are getting longer and the road trains seem to be getting bigger, sometimes carrying three trailers . . . they are enormous when appearing in the rear mirror. Took some supplies on board at Rockhampton (they found gold in this area around 1858, they left none for us) we then headed out of town to Red Rock Camp Ground in Byfield State Forest. Had trouble finding it at first but then asked at the General Store and was directed down a dirt track for 1km and hey presto there it was nestled in a pine forest. Wonderful location but the huge horse flys have taken over the campervan. Keith is having an outright war to drive them out but I think re-enforecements have just arrived. Just seen a notice 25 yards from where we are camped warning that crocodiles frequent this area, so got back in the van a bit lively, will blog tomorrow if we are still around.
Day 11: Byfield (Upper Stoney Creek) Sunday 4th November
Before we go any further would like to thank you all for your messages, great to hear from you and keeping us up to date. Decided not to go too far today, Keith had a chat with a guy who had been "gold prospecting", he showed him some of the gold had found and reckoned he had enough to pay for his trip. He and his family had been in the "bush" for the last 16 months, and on his recommendation we ended up going down a 10k dirt road to Upper Stoney Creek. Encountered an "goanna" along the road but by the time I'd clamoured over the back, found the camera etc it was in NSW. The creek was an oasis in the forest including picnic and camping areas (we decided to stay for the night), by 11a.m the place was rammed and the swimming was greatly appreciated by all. In the afternoon we decided to do a 5k bush walk where we came across our second snake, once again no camera but it was the same species that Keith had encountered on the toilet step last week. Temp around 32/33C very hot and humid with plenty of March (horse) flys. Met loads of people (some Brits) who are travelling around Oz anywhere between 2 and 7 years but they all seem pretty happy and not a miserable face amongst them. Most people are extremely friendly and only too willing to have a chat and offer advice.
Day 12: Stoney Creek to Agnes Water 5th November
A very peaceful night in the forest followed by an early morning dip in the creek at 7 a.m . . . we were the only ones there . . . magic! We were on the road by 8.30 heading back onto the Bruce Highway towards Gladstone, a nondescript town earning it's keep by Aluminium smelting. Picked up supplies there and then on to Agnes Water, a place we had been recommended which turned out to be a hippy encampment. The whole area is very young and surf-orientated. Although I must say that the surf looked very disappointing from where we were standing, see pic. We found a site 5k away with swimming pool and kangaroos on site (think they wanted a swim). You might be able to see them in the pic but it wasn't very good, we were swimming - must do better next time. We heard on the radio that it was fireworks night (hope you all had a good time) but we have not seen/heard any evidence here . . . hope you all had a good time . . . just something to make you all smile, it looks as if we are about to get a tropical storm. The further south we go the earlier it gets darker, tonight it was about 6 p.m it's really strange to have all this hot weather during the day and then dark about 6 - 6.30.
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