Yes Rwanda was a real blast! We ended our Gorilla trek by trekking to see the Golden Monkeys of Rwanda, I must say, see the gorillas first as the monkeys are good and put on a real show for you once you arrive but pales in comparison to the gorillas. Even so The Golden Monkeys are only found here in the three volcano's area so it was worth doing. A show by the local kids that I had to join in on and we were pretty Rwanda'ed up.
Off to Kingali to our 5 star hotel, now this hotel could be in any big city in the world. It was first class! As I was waiting for Joy to join me for dinner at the front desk a very beautiful woman in African dress walked in, everybody looked her way. I caught Joy and said that we needed better clothes for dinner. SO dressed in the best we could manage on vacation we had dinner at the Mongolian Grill. At the Grill you have to load up what you want on your grill and this same women walked up at the same time I did. I was confused by all of the spices and saw a chance to interact with her asking what some of the spices were in front of us. She asked the Chef in Rwandan and translated to me, I told her she looked very nice thinking that beautiful was a little over the top and "creepy". She thanked me and later I ran into her again and thanked her for the help only later finding out the she and the guy next to her were The President and First Lady of Rwanda!
Next morning it even got better as we were in the same restaurant and a guy who I recognized came walking towards our table I greeted him with a "Good Morning" and he back, who was that? I asked Joy. We decided it was James Cameron but we had are James wrong after a quick Google it was James Cromwell of I-Robot and many other great movies. Later that morning we again ran into him and not wanting to bother him on vacation we only asked if he was going on the Gorilla Trek as he and his Wife were loading up in a Safari truck. He said yes and we told him the same advice that we were give that the Gorillas were just as good a mile away as they were 4 miles away. They break the groups into 8 and trek to different Gorilla families. They try and put people together with the same abilities. We met an 80 year old woman who was carried into the jungle and she had a blast. So anybody can do this. I will continue this blog once we are in Serengeti National Park.
Once we landed in Tanzania we were whisked off to Arusha passing Kilimanjaro along the way. Funny how the two years have changed the behavior here in Tanzania. Just about everybody has a cell phone now; every hotel has Wi-Fi. I saw goat herders, push cart pushers and women walking along the road with a 5 gallon bucket on her head texting away. Too bad as we are slowly losing contact with the people and things around us. If I see a Baboon with a cell phone I am done with this place.
Today we toured the Lake District and saw hundreds of monkeys, elephant, giraffe and zebra at a distance, we are sure to see much more up close tomorrow at the crater (Nagorogoro). We will rise early to beat the crowds but are at a disadvantage as we are not staying in the park tonight so that might have been a mistake to beat the crowds into the crater as we did last time.
- comments
Northcoasters Ok Now you are running with the "A" crowd.
judy hob-nobbing with the rich & famous!!!
Karen I heard the baboons are still in the dark ages - using landline phones! HA! Sounds like you're having fun!