WELL here we are in Amsterdam. Not quite sure how we ended up here but Joy tells me that it was the only way to get to Maylasia with our free tickets from India. So twelve hours the wrong direction and another twelve back to Kulua Lumpur and we will be back on schedule. we landed in MILAN italy to change planes and flew acroos the ALPS to get here it was very clear and I got some video of it that I will upload later. Small things here and there I forget and miss on these blogs maybe I will catch up on now.
One was our flight out of Paris to Cape Town flying over Paris at night with the Tower in Plan view was really great. The Taj Mahal, I have always seen pictures of it like in a mist or maybe fake looking and even in person it looks that way. The smog in India, Wow they should really get on that it was like fog at times and I was reading in the peper about them cracking down on the side of the road weeing everywhere and I mean at every corner this was going on guess that is why they say it smells so bad in summer, we encountered no bad smells and really liked the smells of the spice markets. The lady who washed dryed and ironed our laundry in Kruger for $1.00 I really liked her and it made our luggage slimmer for a while. Air France and Alitalia lay flat seats alittle ambien and I was set, Air France had better food.
Amsterdam Airport, Buger King now I don't like this resturant much at home but after ten days in a country that lets the Cows roam free everywhere and not eat them was a godsend. Reading about "Roman Emporer" on a flight from Italy to Amsterdam in the News paper that was cool Kentucky Derby?? Dubai "Burj" (see video) need I say more last night in India our room was $22.00 and was nice with room service. The fireworks and fire show at the mall outside our hotel was Disney good. Well in a clam shell and half way through our journey that about sums it up. New photo card in and ready for the next adventure. And if anybody know how "Kilcullen" is back in Tampa let me know and give him a pat on the neck.........more in a day or two keith
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