Shoes! Today I have to put on shoes. After not wearing them for three weeks,well we were wearing sandals. We did a couple more days in Samoa visiting the "trench" which is a 100 foot deep sink hole that fills with sea water and is tidal so at high tide it is deep enough to jump off the ladder leading down to it, but we were there during low tide so we meaning my new running bud David from Austrailia just had a quick swim into the cave of the dripping seas. I really think that they should rename this place as at first hearing of "the Trench" I was not enthralled into going there, once getting there we found what could have been the garden of Eden. The grounds were maintained with hundreds of plants and flowers and then there was the trench two large sinkholes with vines hanging over the edges. Idyllic in the shortest of terms. Well back to the black sand beach we had a picnic and snorkeled with our Austrailian mates again during low tide so not as nice as two days before during high tide but still nice. Back on shore we headed back to our resort for dinner.
The next day we went to the local market where they were selling everything that grows in ones back yard, have you ever seen red bananas? Maybe they were sunburnt? Turtle feeding next on the list we found a pond near the airport for this afternoons picnic to feed these large turtle we believe them to be sea turtles but since we had a taxi driver and not a guide we had to make up things as we went along. A stop at the Robert Lewis Stevenson house and we retreated back to Coconuts for our final afternoon of laying around. Next morning we were up and out of there once again Fiji bound for the final time.
TIME TRAVEL is possible! Okay when we left Fiji last Friday at 9:30 pm we arrived in Samoa at 11:30 pm thursday, we left Samoa at 2:10pm Friday and arrived back in Fiji at 4:00 pm Saturday the flight is only an hour and a half. So now we left Fiji at 10:30 pm Super Bowl Sunday and arrived in Long Beach California at 12noon Super Bowl Sunday?? Why didn't I place a bet on the Packers as the Super Bowl should have already happened?
Now for shoes.....back in winter we are heading over to Catalina Island the last island on vacation. I am not sure it will measure up to Tonga or Samoa but we have high hopes. I wonder if there is a McDonalds there? There was one in Samoa. With just hours to go our vacation is almost done so I hope someone has shoveled our driveway And turned up the heat we may only stay a week or two but we are heading home, more to come but the days grow short!
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