U.S. to Trish. U.S, to Trish. Come in please. I know internet costs but six weeks?
Miss & love you much
Lisa and Rick
Ok so I dont know if you realize this but I literally cannot wait any longer, but I know I will. I miss you sooooo much, you have no idea how many football players I see on a daily basis and everytime I hear you saying....oh do you like him? lol. Trish, we need to talk soon. I need to know what your plans are when you come back as far as the living situation goes.......TRISHALAH i hope you are having the time of your life! PS Kerry is now officially Kerry Wenzler...crazy huh?
Pete V
Heya Trish and friends!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your Tokyo trip, glad we managed to get you into a decent hostel in Tokyo!
Have fun in China and Vietnam!!!
Hey, girl!! I am SOOO sorry I missed your phone call - but thanks so much for trying. I was in Columbia, MO being (don't fall off the ship laughing) a bridesmaid in my girlfriend's wedding! It was a blast. I went from there to Omaha to visit the Aunts and Uncles and from there to a photo assignment in central NE. From there people told he about how beautiful the Sand Hills are so I explored around there. It's not Japan, but I had a blast - it's a real cowboy culture and they all took me in with open arms. I had no idea what it was like out there - huge hills covered with sunflowers and windmills and 70 or 80 miles between tiny towns. I loved it and got some great shots! By the way - great sunset shot on your site! So - keep breathing it in, Trish - and try to write in that journal! Glad to hear the seasickness is easing up.
Keep us posted - we love hearing about it! Aunt Gayle
Hello Miss Trish,
Glad to hear that you are taking it all in and enjoying yourself. You go, girl! All is well here at SLCE....thought you'd want to know we have 50 volunteer applications for SNS and are thinking of opening a SECOND section!!!! Yahoo!!
We miss your energy--I'll save you a "CANOMANIAC" tshirt when you get back in the spring.
Sooo... I wrote you a really long e-mail. I miss you like crazy and am pretty sure that I am INSANELY JEALOUS OF YOUR TRIP!
It's like talking to your answering machine, yeah, thats it. Hey sweetie, it me. I love you and miss you to death. Gimme a call back.
ok - so which one of you is gonna tell me the story about the creepy naked guy? Can't wait!!! Bon Voyage, Trish! I'm SO excited for you! AG
Marilyn Freyer
Love you, miss you, know you and your mom had a great time.
Marilyn Freyer
Terri Becker
I miss you!!! I am home safe and sound. I tried to find more creepy naked men, but no luck. Love, Mom