When it Rome do as the Romans do…………………….Well if Romans do nothing but eat pasta, pizza and gelato and drink coffee and beer then I think we did all right.
Although it seemed that to be Italian you also had to wear the uniform.Giant aviator sunglasses (even if it isn't sunny or you are inside), a tailored puffa jacket, designer jeans, stiletto's for the females and shiny shoes for the males and a pout that makes Posh Spice look happy. Alternatively if you're an Italian Male under 25 you must dress like someone from an 80's film clip.
The itinerary was Rome, Pompeii, Sorrento, Island of Capri, Rome.With a quick 2 hour stop in Naples - 2 hours too long I might add.Two words for Naples.s*** Hole.Two More.Don't Bother.
So we ticked all the tourist boxes (as you'll see in our photos)Coliseum, Roman Forum, Spanish Steps, Vatican City, St Peters Basilica, Trevi Fountain, The Pantheon, Piaza's, Fountains, Pizza Shops, Pasta, Gelato, Coffee…………………
We also saw some things we hadn't seen or TV or in history books including drinking fountains which continually spew water into the stormwater drains under the footpath - clearly no water restrictions in Italy - they're everywhere.
We saw the weirdest, scariest looking vegetable, we think it was brockiflower but we're really not sure.It was sort of yellow and spiky and looked more like some sick torture device then something you should eat.
The Amalfi Coast was defiantly the highlight.It was nice to see some water and smell fresh sea air again.Our photos of Capri don't do it justice.The people, the food, the scenery was all better on the Coast.
NYE was unforgettable, not only because we saw in the New Year watching fireworks at the Coliseum, but because we feared for our lives.There were crazy Italians setting of fireworks and smoke bombs everywhere with no regard for personal safety.We saw little kids pointing rockets at each other and even a couple throwing them at each other's feet!Okaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy………..
- comments
Ali Eric, thanks for foownlilg my blog. My aim is to educate as many people as possible about how to overcome their own obstacles as I have, travel outside their comfort zone, and travel the world!!! Looking forward to sharing our own stories and reading more about yours! Keep on keeping on!
Deepika took me a while to browse all the cometnms, but I really enjoyed the subject that you chose. It looked to be very helpful to me and I am sure to all the other people who have looked at this blog, It's always nice when your not only informed, but your also entertained! I'm positive you had fun writing this article. I'm going to grab your rss feed so I don't miss anything important that you guys may come up with in the future, Thanks..