After a rather restless night's sleep - there were quite a few stops during the night, and the train seemed unable to pick up any speed without violenty jumping forward a few times, which always woke us up (plus the person sleeping in the bunk above me was a snorer!) - we both woke rather early and so wasted the remainder of the journey by chatting, reading our kindles or watching tv episodes on our laptops till they died.
And then we arrived in Shanghai! We easily made our way to the subway station and got on the correct train, and off at the correct station. However finding our hostel was a little harder. We showed a few people the address but they would just shake their head and walk on. Stumped, we looked around until I noticed (an absolutely giant) sign with an arrow - in our defence, it was up above one of the buildings on the side of the road we were on. The hostel was tucked behind a few other buildings which is why it was so hard to find.
It's really nice here, a good mix of Chinese people and foreigners, and the staff speak English which makes everything so much easier. Dumping our bags and freshening up, we headed out.
We had decided to go to the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium in the afternoon as we were both tired from the journey, and it was something easy and relaxing for us to do. It was so nice in there. There were so many different types of fish and sea - life, and this Aquarium has the longest underwater tunnel in the world. We spent over 2 hours in the Aquarium (photos to follow shortly) and then went for a wander. We discovered the Super Brand Mall, this was an absolutely ginormous mall with 10 storeys and probably was about a kilometre long. We mainly did some browsing, but we also bought some stuff which was to be Christmas presents from our parents to us :)
Absolutely knackered, we had some dinner from a 'french croissant' shop and then caught the subway back to the hostel.
We can't believe we're actually in Shanghai and have loads planned for the rest of our 3 days here. Check out the following updates!
Until tomorrow,
再见 x
(excuse the pic, you have to have a picture for the blog to post, and as I have not uploaded any from my camera yet, I had to pick one from the site's bank, will fix this asap!)
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