Vietnam's captial city Hanoi is the first place we visited after arriving in Vietnam. As soon as i arrived i knew this would be a place that i would enjoy. The streets are jam packed with shops, markets, restaurants and bars/pubs.
The first thing about Hanoi that cought my attention was the traffic...its unbelievably busy and the majority of traffic is mo-peds, bikes etc. Crossing the road is a mission, there are no gaps in the traffic at all, we soon learnt that to cross the road you just had to go for it and the traffic will go around you!!!
After being in Hong Kong for a week the food and drink in Hanoi seemed so cheap and they also have Western food in most of the i was in my element
After spending a couple of days here we set off on the next adventure to Ha Long city. We had to get on a local bus which took around 4-5 hours.
Pictures of Hanoi will be up soon
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