Well, we had quite the journey getting to Peru all the way from London! As Mark put it, immediate panic set in upon boarding our 12 hour flight from Madrid to Lima and realizing that we didn't have our own personal TV screen to entertain us for all that time. (Apparently we were spoiled by our trip to Seoul last year!) But, it did help that we had less than 4 hours sleep the night before so we survived just fine! The coolest part of the flight was a birds-eye camera on the tail of the plane so that we could watch our landing as seen from outside!
Landing in Lima definitely involved the onset of chaos. Chaos at the arrival area - a HUGE number of people in the waiting area, everyone shouting to try to get your taxi business (thankfully we already had a shuttle booked). Chaos on the roads of Lima heading towards the hostel - there are no stop lights or stop signs in Lima. Only speed and sharp breaking. And the occasional speed bump thrown in for good measure. (For you Flintstone lovers, our driver took lessons from Goggles Pisano).
We arrived safely at our hostel in Miraflores, checked in and pretty much headed straight to bed. I think we slept for almost 12 hours, it was needed!
We had a pretty low-key day today in Lima, but did head out early afternoon to see the coastal area. Peru is gorgeous! We walked down to the beach and sat watching dozens of surfers take on the pacific waves. We had a great Peruvian lunch; causa which is a layered potatoe dish (ours had potatoes, avacado and shrimp) and tequenos which is a cheese and meat filled pastry. SO good! We walked back around through the area and through some of the city parks, hit a grocery store on the way home and grabbed some dinner fixings. We're just taking it easy tonight before our flight to Cuzco in the morning! Can't wait to get into the mountains and meet up with Burrill and Courtney!
- comments
Amy Wow! That is awesome guys! Thanks for keeping us all updated, I must say I really do miss you but still feel some what connected! xxx Amy
Lisa Sounds great. Love that your taking us all on your adventure.
Andraya Thanks for sharing Beth, I had no idea you were blogging your trip!
susan gillian I'd be totally exausted by this point in your trip! sounds so great!!!