Who is that gorgeous girl with Claire in the skirt????
I want to go to Port Douglas again!!!
Love youxxx
Hi girls
Fabulous photos.I am so pleased you are having such a fab time.
Katy I am in London Fri-Mon. speak soon.
Look after yourselves.Love you mummyxxx
'aunty' Di
Hi Katy and Claire,
Wow. Love your photos. Love your blog.
It all looks pretty amazing and I hope you are both having a suitably wonderful time. However - I'm very sorry - but you're going to have to do it all over again when I get back in Dubai - so that next time round you can stop off and visit me there on your way home !!!
XXXXX 'Aunty' Di
Gramps Rosser
I see your enjoying yourself amongst all that male company but don't you think your bikini is alittle bit brief!!!Have a wonderful time look after yourself and be careful.
love Gramps
Ginger Clare
Hey you! Just been looking through your pics with ma & pa, looks like your having lots of fun!!! Am very sad I'm not there!!!
Love the Kitchen household xxx
Geraldine And Dave
Hi Katy, Love the pics!! Swapping Corry for H and A!! Soak up every experience to remember forever, and enjoy every minute. Look after each other and keep away from the fires. XXXX
Hi girls
I'm back from Ragdale.Had fun swimming in the snow until G decided to throw snowballs at me .Looking forward to hearing about your bus journey - hope not tooooo long !! Take care.
Love you MXXX
Geraldine And Dave
Hello Katy and Claire- WOW what a fab thing this blog job is!!! We can tell your having an aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamazing time. Have fun take care ...and lots more photos!! Hope you have sunblock-news is its hot!! Will message soon, Love G and D. XXXXX
Hi girls Forgot this when I sent e-mails.Have lots of fun.Happy [chinese]New Year of the ox!!
Love to Anton and Rina
Love you loads MXXX
Hello girlies! I'm so excited for you, I keep looking out of the window at the pouring rain and thinking about how nice it must be where you are. Very jealous! Can't wait until you get chance to update us all! Keep safe, hugs & kisses x X x
Hi my lovelies!! Hope you're having a fab time. Sure you are. I'm missing you lots already and sooooo wish I was there with you . Never mind, I'll crack on with my degree, eh? Speak soon lovelies, love you lots x x x
hi katy and claire all this stuff is really impressive think i need some tuition in blogs etc beyond me. have a brill time and look after each other . see u in a few months . daddy