Well there's been a bit of a theme in recent blogs - volcano action. And it was time for another volcano to take a starring role - except not any in Costa Rica but that one in Iceland that you may have heard of?! Well, because of that volcano and Ashgate that followed, Tanja and Simon were left stranded in Costa Rica for another week of sun and fun. What a shame.
So with the tagalongs in tow, we headed to the Caribbean coast and the amazing Amazon-like canals and lagoons of Tortuguero. There are no roads, only little dudes in boats to jet you around the beautiful forested canals and lagoons to spot turtles, caimans, crocs, sloths, snakes, fish, monkeys and birds. Ticked them all off and learnt a tonne of stuff courtesy of our naturalist guide Daryl. We finished the day off with the most beautiful sunset over the water before checking that none of the crazy creatures had made it into our room.
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