Woke up late today so missed the included breakfast!! we decided to do a bit of sight seeing today. As soon as we walked out of the hotel we got stopped by a man who said he would take us around on a tuc tuc to see Bankok!! He said we would go see some temples the 'Lucky Buddha' and he would stop at a tourist information center! It sounded really good!! So of we went..... First stop was a temple we went inside and he waited for us. We went in and there was a bloke in there praying who told us to kneel down so he could show us how to pray!! We started to bow down to the Buddha, but for some reason we started laughing we had tears rolling down our faces!! Next stop was meant to be a good shopping center. It was a tiny shop that made suits and dresses! we didn't want to go in but we had to. Obioulsy we didnt want anything so when they realised they were waisting there time with us they chucked us out!!! After that he took us to the lucky buddha we got out took a few pictures and then headed back to the tuc tuc but he said we had been too quick and sent us back in for another look!! We just walked around the corner sat there for ten minutes had a cigarette then went back!!!! We thought it was finished untill he pulled up at another 'shopping center' [tailors] i nearlly cried!! We had to go in!! we sat down and looked through every magazine in the shop we finally got kicked out of that one as well when we were taking photos of each other looking bored!! We couldn't really complain as it cost 15p each for the hour and a half of entertainment!!!
In the afternoon we had a facial which was really relaxing!! Went for dinner had a few drinks then headed for our beds!!
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