First night in Barcelona was so much fun! We walked into our hostel and literarily thought we were walking into a nightclub! So much excitement and noise. That night we went out for food and drinks. The next day we spent exploring the city. We walked around small alleys allowing ourselves to get lost in the least touristy areas of the city. Our hostel was located near a little food market. The market was filled with fresh fruits and delicious treats like gelato! Here I got to try kinder flavored gelato, for anyone who knows how much I love kinder definitely knows how exciting that was for me! The market also sold fresh coconut which we had for breakfast literally every single day!
Day 3 in Barcelona we spent visiting all of the popular cites of the city. Sagrada Familia was by far one of the most exquisite churches I have ever seen. Here in Barcelona the most unique architectural designs, like Sagrada Familia, were created by Gaudi. His work is absolutely remarkable and his incorporation of architecture and nature are truly inspiring. That night after we have seen just about everything Barcelona had to offer, we decided to figure out our transportation out of Spain and into Nice, France. Our Eurail pass did not cover Spain, so we kind of figured it would be a bit challenging to find our way out. After spending four hours staring at the computer screen we came to the conclusion that we were kind of screwed. All the buses needed reservations and nothing was going out until Friday, the day after we were supposed to check in in Nice. There was only one bus that we could get on that would not conflict with the rest of our transfers along the coast of France, however, that bus was leaving within hours of that evening. So Michelle and I decided to buy the tickets, quickly pack all of our stuff, and literarily run for the bus station to make our 2 am bus. We got there almost an hour before the bus was scheduled to depart Barcelona. With every bus that came, Mich and I would check in with the drivers to make sure we would get on the right bus. Long story short, the schedules bus never came. Out of the 4 buses that did stop at the plaza, not a single one was headed our direction. So at 3 am in the morning we decided to get back to our hostel. After some hesitation the guys at the reception desk actually let us back into our hostel as promised. After attempting to find connection buses/trains for what seemed to be 15 hours, Mich and I decided to not take the chance of missing another bus, so at 6 am, after being up for over 24 hours, we decided to buy plane ticket to Nice! So excited to be at the beach! So long Barcelona!
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