Mozambique has been wonderful. We've spent most of our time diving and on the beach - pretty perfect really! We spent a few days travellingh straight down to the south of Mozambique as we didn't have time to see the north as well. We spent our first few days in Vilanculos - we were goingt to stay for 3 days and stayed for 7! We stayed at a great place called Zombie Cucumber (what more woulod you expect wioth a name liek that!) with the most amazing home cooking every night and met some really nice people. WE dived for 3 days running and it was great. THey'd take you out on a rib for about 45 minutes to one of the islands off Mozambique called Bazaruto , which is just white sand, turqouise sea and noone around, except the odd millionaire in a yacht! You'd have a breifing there, then head out ont he boat for anohter 10 minutes where you'd do the dive. The dives were wicked, we saw loggerhead turtles, eagle rays, moray eels, potato cod, and we got to stay down for about 55 - 60 mins on each dive which was good too. You'd then go back to the isladn for a couple of hours, have some lunch, and then go back out to do your second dive before heading back. SO beautiful! We managed to get drunk again the night before we left (we must stop doing that, of all the nights to get drunk?!), but actually managed to leave this time and headed down to a place called Tofo.
Tofo is famed for having manta rays and whale sharks, but all the way down through mozambique divers had been coming up from Tofo saying that there have been nomantas or whale sharks for weeks. By the tim we got there there had been no sightings for 6 weeks, there were nunmerous rumours as to why - too cold, a killer whale had been though etc etc. So we went out on our first dive not expecting much - 15 minutes into the boat ride we saw a whale sark, grabbed our masks and fins and dived in to snorkel with it for ages. They are SO big and graceful, they hardly move at all and we could get so close, that was amazing. About 10 minutes into our dive (which had about 20m visibility, it was like being in a swimming pool it was so clear!), we suddenly saw 3 huge manta rays appear in the distance, they came right by us and then stopped just above us to to do this sort of dance where they all somersault around each other - it gives me goose pimples just thinking about it, it was so beautiful. We then saw another manta later in the dive and humbaks and dolphins on the way back! I don't thuink that dive will ever get beaten!
So we've headed down to South Africa now and I'm so sad to be leaving Mozambique and to be in our last country of the trip, though I', sure it will be great too. Sorry no photos this time, I'm afraid as the computer I'm on can't do it, I'll try and add some later.
Lots of love to everyone Katrina and Jamie xxxxxxxxx
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