How to lose a camera in 7 days...
So the dreaded trek was over and we returned to the ashram yoga retreat. The day began with 7am yoga! Stella and I were told off for both laughing and being rubbish, which was naturally to be expected! Later that day, we went to some ancient caves. However, a group of white girls appeared to be a far greater attraction for the locals. Not only were we continuely stared at, but people actually asked to have their photos taken with us! The day finished with more yoga and eating lots of biscuits. The food really was dreadful....
After more 7am yoga the following day, I had a head massage, which resulted in a very oily head for several days despite repeated washing and a full body massage. The masseuse was extremely impressed with my belly button piercing and inquired as to whether it was a real diamond... Fed up with the dreadful food we got a tuk tuk into Lonavla town and retreated ourselves not only to pizza but also to the most amazing sizzling chocolate brownie (the stuff of Becca's dreams). We left the ashram with little regret, orphanage food and hard beds is hardly the stuff of dreams! We arrived at the train station over two hours early, before finding out our train was over two hours delayed! Bored and tired we amused ourselves with games such as wink murder and the rather ingenious 'Ping', drinking chai and disgusting prawn crackers (I'd skipped dinner again!).
My first experience of an Indian train was interesting to say the least. For a start their trains are at least 50 coaches long (no joke) and you only have 5 mins to get on. We were lucky enough to be in a sleep carriage with air con, however some Indians had already decided to take a snooze in our pre-booked beds. Much confusion followed and one of the girls was even expected to sleep in a carriage on her own with 7 Indian men, but thankfully it all worked out in the end! I managed to get some sleep, but was continuely woken by both the chai and omlette men. I heard cries of 'Chai' and 'Omlette sandwich' so many times I nearly clubbed them over the head with their freaking sandwiches!
We finally arrived in Goa at about 1pm and thankfully the camp was only another 15 minute drive away. We immediately were given our first decent meal... actually had taste! I'm sharing a room with a Swiss girl (Sarah), a German girl (Anna) and another Brit (Dilraj). Our room is pretty basic and the toilet leaves a lot to be desired, but we were so pleased to finally unpack! It was quickly established that the camp is in the middle of nowhere when we began to explore. After a 45 minute walk to the beach (visions of my sweaty face on the trek were resurfaced), we were absoultely delighted to be by the sea and drank 'cocktails' as the sun went down (Indians have no idea about alcoholic bevvies!). Unfortunately we were running late for dinner so grabbed a taxi back and so the nightmare began! I quickly realised that I had left my camera in the taxi, but after calling the driver he insisted I hadn't. The idex rep drove me back down to the beach on the back of his motorbike but it couldn't be found.
However, karma was on my side and the taxi driver appeared at the camp late last night in his wedding attire, camera in hand. Needless to say I was overjoyed! He wouldn't even accept my money I tried to give him.
And I love you all at home xxxx
P.s its soooooooooooooooo hot and you're having crap weather, hahahahahha
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