Well hello there readers,
this is in fact the second time that I've tried to write this entry as, when I was doing it yesterday, the computer conveniently decided to crash mid-sentence!
Anyway, I no longer work at Altitude bar and will be leaving Queenstown tomorrow, it will definitely be weird to be on a bus again, but no doubt I'll get used to it.
When I wrote this entry before, I decided to tell the story of how to make Mashed Potato in the altitude kitchen so I will do that again. The first step in the process is to select an appropriately oversized cauldron in which to cook. Next you pour a combination of liquids into said recepticle, now don't let the name Mashed Potato fool you, at no point in the cooking process do potatoes actually feature. Once the liquids have boiled and been stirred with a big stick (yes I really do mean a big stick) you then begin the delicate art of adding the instant mash powder to the cauldron, all the while awaiting that magic moment when the mixture begins to resemble mash more than just milk with bits floating in it. Finally you can allow the, now perfect, mash to cool before portioning it into plastic containers that are microwave-ready. I usually take the opportunity in this waiting time to rinse the fine mist of potato-based dust from my person. The final step in the process is to scrub out the coauldron before the mash remnants begin to resemble concrete. As you can see the entire process could be custom-designed to work the arms and shoulders, I'm now very muscular purely from having to make mash a lot. Wel that is the story of how to make mash, I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoy the process itself!
That is in fact the extent of what's been going on in my life at the moment although you might like to know that the 'word' I was warned that the boss would be having with me never actually happened so god knows what that was about.
I should probably go now as there is laundry to be done and belongings to be gathered in preparation for leaving tomorrow, oh god it's like leaving home all over again.
bye for now
Lots of love
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