Hi there readers, this is likely to be a short entry as I'm on a computer at the airport where I have to stand up and the keys are very temperamental (some refuse to work at all and the rest are over eager and type 2 or 3 times when pressed!!). this is more a note to let you all know that I'm still alive and will write a better update when I get to Auckland tomorrow.
And just to let you know that travelling is not all fun I will inform you that it is currently 11.30pm, I have been at the airport for 5 and a half hours already and my flight won't leave for another 4 hours. On top of this it is only a 3 hour flight with little chance to sleep before I arrive in Auckland at 7am, have to get to my hostel and then wait until about lunchtime before I can check in and sleep. Also I was up at 6.30 for breakfast this morning.
Will update again tomorrow assuming I can stay awake.
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