Day 3 & 4
Good day to you all!
Well I have had a crazy past 2 days. Yesterday I FINALLY made it to the Temple of Heaven. I cheated and caught a taxi. Thank God I did, it really was quite far away. It was all to be expected and more. I loved it. The buildings are just so beautiful and interesting and was a really nice place to walk around. In the park there was also a Fasting Temple. After paying my one pound entrance fee I wondered round and apart from an American tourist with his own Chinese tour guide, I was in fact the only other person there. It was so peaceful and I felt like I had stepped back in time and was really there back in the Ming days. But obviously I wouldn't do such a thing as fast, and I don't even know really much about what goes on in these places. But still, I felt like a true tourist and got snap happy (but without the Chinese people constantly in the background)!
Once again I was snapped by a few Chinese people. I really don't understand their fasination with English people (or perhaps just me) but it is really starting to humour me. They make it so obvious what they are doing, they follow you with their camera! I then had another lady want to pose with me. Again I would only do so in return for a photo with her myself! I'm starting to get a good collection now.
After returning to the hotel I had a quick shower and prepared myself for the meeting at 6.00pm. I was getting quite nervous as I was about to meet my fellow tour mates. As it turns out, they are an amazing bunch of people and great friendships have already been made. We are all similar age, apart from one guy who is quite a bit older, and an older couple who are from Canada. The girl I am gonna be 'roomies' with had her flight cancelled so won't be here till midnight tonight. She is Irish and about 30. That's all I know so far! 2 of the people I've become good friends with are actually from Newbury!
We went for a banquet meal and it was so yummy. Tried so many dishes and had the best duck ever! They don't waste anything from a duck so even brought all the bones and head to munch on. Afterwards they brought out the duck soup, which you probably don't want to know what's in it, but lets just say, it was bloody disgusting!
Today 5 of us went to the Summer Palace. Amazingly beautiful place but we did so much walking. To get to the top we had to climb some seriously steep steps. I didn't think I would make it but the view at the top made the pain worthwhile. Unfortunatly it was quite a smoggy day so all my photos don't do any juctice to what we saw. Once again, had another photo with another Chinese person!
This evening we went to an acrobatic show. Oh my god it was soooo cool! The things they were doing were absolutly amazing! Stuff I had never seen before in my life! There was one part where 12 people were all stood on each other together on a bike while someone cycled! Very entertaining. It was also here I had my 3rd Squator experience. This one was very amusing as I was with my friend so we just laughed and giggled the whole time. Whilst washing my hands it came to my attention an old lady behind me hadn't shut her door and was squatting right in front of my very eyes! She definatly looked like a squator pro! I'm getting there! If only I could work out how to squat facing the right way!
Tomorrow we are doing the Great Wall Trek. The part of the wall we are going to is a non touristy bit and also one of the hardest sections to climb! We are treking for 5 hours and it is meant to be hard! I'm sure some of you who know how unfit I am are probably already laughing! Wish me luck!
Trying to get photos on here is a nightmare as the computers are sooooo slow. When I get a good chance I will try and upload some more.
Beijing is the coolest place ever! It is so fast, crazy and FULL of people, everywhere! It's a non stop city and just so fun! It is also the hotest place I have ever been to in the world! Last night when we went out for food it was 35 degrees still! We just constantly sweat all the time! It's a good look!
Speak to you all soon.
Off to join some of the others at the bar now.
Miss you all
Katie. xxx
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