I'm here! I made it - half way across the world - all on my own! It's HOT and I'm loving it!
As per usual, I was not exactly what you would call 'completely prepared' for my journey, as I was packing until gone midnight on Monday and up 5 hours later to double check I had everything (which I am still convinced I don't have). Don't ask me how I managed it but I was able to fit 9 months into one 65 litre rucksack! To be honest I think Mum is still in shock, due to the fact that I usually end up taking my entire wardrobe and the kitchen sink with me when we go away! I lugged my rucksack up to Tywyn Railway Station to catch the 9.31 train through to Birmingham to find Graham there to wave me off, shortly followed by the rest of the motley crew - Di and Sue. I cried, couldn't help it . It was like a scene from The Railway Children, with them all huddled under an umbrella waving me goodbye.The train came, and that was it, I was on my way. 2 changes, 1 bus ride and 7 and a half hours later I arrived in Alresford, Hampshire where I was to stay the night with my Uncle Nick before flying from Heathrow the next day.
I have discovered, that no matter how many times you un-pack and re-pack your bag, you are convinced you have forgotten something or left it behind somewhere. Nevertheless I left my Uncles mid afternoon and he drove me to the Airport where I checked in and said goodbye. Just to be safe I decided to check-in 5 hours early, and not surprisingly I was the only one in the check-in queue and I had an extremely numb bum from sitting on the minimally padded seats in the departure lounge.But the time passed quickly, as did the charge on my phone from the long conversations with Cai who tried and failed to convince me not to go. Sorry hun! I boarded my 10.35 flight with no problem, sat next to lovely lady from Melbourne and promptly fell asleep, but in doing so I completely missed dinner! Hehe. I woke only twice, once to find myself flying over Siberia and the other to find breakfast in front of me and we were steadily descending into Hong Kong. Honk Kong Airport was lovely; mind you, compared to the mess that Heathrow Airport is, any airport is lovely! I still had a 6 hour wait for my flight which I spent either reading Bill Bryson's Down Under (which I would recommend to anyone; it is absolutely hilarious!) or talking to a couple from Newcastle. The flight was long, I couldn't sleep so I watched Mr. Bean's Holiday - it was fab, even in Cantonese. Eventually we started descending into Adelaide Airport - I was nearly there! I basically ran off the plane, straight through customs and down to pick up my easily recognisable rucksack (might have something to do with the huge Welsh flag plastered to it). I was impressed at how I had managed to get through all the metal detectors so far without setting them off and avoided all the body searches (as I am sorry to say none of the staff fell under the 'fit' category) but I knew it was too good to be true. I was directed to quarantine where I had my bag searched and my walking boots removed and washed to ensure I wasn't bringing any foot and mouth with me. I was quite content with the matter because I was finally here and once she cleared me I headed for the exit and to Aussie soil.
My Auntie Josie met me at the airport and we headed to Flinders University, where my Uncle teaches, via the shopping mall (don't worry Mum; I didn't convince her to buy anything she didn't need).Within the 1st 2 hours of being in the country I was having my 1st Aussie barbie; Uncle Graham's students were having a barbie in the Uni grounds and I was invited to have a 'snag' (an Aussie hot dog) and a drink. We then headed to pick my cousins up from school, Megan (9) and Colleen (8). They were a little quiet to start with but it didn't take long before our conversation was in full swing and I couldn't shut them up (remind u of anyone? Hehe). Their house is lovely, a huge bungalow (like most of the houses in the city) with a pool in the garden. My new home for the next couple of months.
Australia is such a different country to home, so dry - at the moment that is what I miss the most, not the rain, but the lush green grass. I do like it here; I haven't seen the city yet, just the suburb where my Uncle and Aunty live but it is a beautiful country with amazing weather! It was 32.5%u02DAC today and I had my 2nd Aussie barbie! I have been here less than 3 days and I have experienced so much; I have tried kangaroo steak, which I have to say was beautiful - so tasty. Met the local MP who wanted his photograph taken with me (don't think he's worth voting for though - he didn't seem to grasp the fact that I wasn't Australian so couldn't vote, not the brightest spark). I have seen not one, but two of the most deadly Australian spider; the red back! They were hiding in the garden! I have also met a couple of locals my age who are going to take me out in Adelaide and show me the night life which I imagine is a tad better than the Pier on a Thursday night!
I have a list of tasks I still need to complete this week including, setting up a bank account, getting a job and working out the bus system in the city. However, my Uncle has offered to insure me on his soft top Mini so I will hopefully be driving soon. My UK driving licence is only valid in this country for 3 months so I am going to have to look into taking a driving theory test to get myself an Aussie licence. That will then just leave me the task of navigating the roads of Adelaide which all have at least two lanes, some with 4 and they all look the same! Plenty to keep me busy!
I shall say goodbye for now. I will update you on my travels again soon and I apologise for how long this one has taken; I did write it all out yesterday but the internet decided to have a hissy fit and I lost it all and was still far too jet lagged to write it all out again.
Lots of love, Kathryn xXx
P.s. Don't forget to leave me a message!
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