Jambo from the Serengeti . Yesterday morning at this hour I was listening to chanting from the Taj And this am i am enjoying open windows and awaiting animal sounds.
I found the chanting very restful tho it comes over microphones. I enjoyed the experience in India . 70% of the population which grows by 20 million each year have cell phones and only 17 % have plumbing.
The detail and perfection of the taj are truly amazing. The mausoleum is an incredible monument to the emperors favorite wife who died in child birth of #14. It is very well cared for and I ESP loved the fine marble carvings of flowers, ESP the irises.
Street vendors are all over and persistent. Cows, children, cars, buses all move where ever they need to be with out a lot of order.
We flew in and out of the WWII American built airstrip . This is the third such American built airport as we experienced also in Samoa and Easter Island .
I am overwhelmed with all that I have experienced thus far and will be back in States in 6 days.
Almost 8 hrs flight yesterday and landed in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania . Too cloudy for views of the big one which was a shame who can complain in the midst of this extraordinary opportunity to fill my wanderlust for seeing so many sights in 24 days. I have fine rooms and presents on bed each night. Details are managed by staff without a hitch.
Yesterday 3 lectures on plane by Siegel, Daulton and Krist.
The plane crew all bought saris in India and were beautifully dressed in them. They are very much fun and as thrilled as we are as crew gets selected by airlines and this is a special experience for them as well
After the 8 hr flight transferred to a 12 passenger bush plane
For 70 min ride to the Serengeti . Then spent 90 mins with game viewing in route to lodge. Already saw many giraffes, hippos, rhino, topi, impala s, wildebeest , elephants, lion and cub with food catch perched in tree, superb starlings, storks, ostrich. I was in last group to arrive which was good because at first arrival there were so many others viewing.
A day long game drive today.
- comments
Paul Sounds like fun. Your life on Isham Rd must have prepared you for all the "wild beasts". Remember the wild squirrels and the moose. Penny would greatly enjoy and want to bring them all home.
Lucy its been great to read your posts! We are looking forward to the debrief on your return. I have Baby Lucy's Easter hat done for you to send.
Chris Kelley Sounds totally life-changing. It must be particularly mind-blowing to be somewhere one day and then within a day having a vastly different kind of experience!
Ruth From the Taj Mahal to the Serengeti. Absolutely amazing. The sites you have seen! What a trip.