Glad you liked Fiji, sounds like you did loads there! I didn't move from the beach except for a bit of snorkeling or kayaking so I'm very impressed by all the things you got up to, especially the church service on Easter Sunday! Sounds fantastic.
Enjoy America and see you soon for a big night out!
Photos are up, enjoy!
Some photos are up but not many as the computer is very old and took for ever so im going to have to find a better ome somewhere else.
Mum - i slept fine actually, no bed bugs, and no more scorpians thank god, well there could have been but i didnt see them!!
Missing you all too, wish you could be here with me!
I know what you mean about teh irish chic, they certainly can drink!!
Keep reading
love me xx
Hey huni!
cant wait to see u im so excited but bet u dont want to come back!
let me see sum more photos when u get chance, sounds like ur busy!
ne way love u alot xxx clo
oh sam says hello aswell!x
Good to see that the "girls" are keeping in touch.
After what you told me this morning we should not have any problems with spiders when you get back home!! Let me know HOW or IF you slept!!!! How big were the scorpions?? I will probably have a restless night tonight!!
Look forward to the next set of photos.
Sarah Chic
Lady!!!!!! Hiiii!!!!!!!
good to hear your still having fun babe!! and sounds that there are lots of great people to spend your time with. be weary of those irish tho! they enjoy their drink - as i witnessed in leeds with my own eyes on saturday night!
reading your journal still doesnt seem real, feels like im having a dream about been on the set of home and away (only a little more fabulous!).
keep cool chic x x x x x
Glad everyones enjoying the journal! I quite like doing it actually!
Just got back from the sailing trip around the whitsundays! had a great time, very chilled out! Did lots of snorkelling! Think i could just do that all day, so good!
Out tonight with the crew which should be good, but got an early bus to magnetic island in the morning so cant go too mad. When i arrive there il update te journal and put some pictures up, ive got some beautys!!
Love me xx
Hello glad you've set up a site too, good to read what your up to. Nice to hear your having fun.
I'm home now!!!! It's so weird and still weird not seeing you everyday. Have just emailed you, there were no internet cafes in America!
Take care xxx
Hey babe , love ur new site glad uve set one up now.
missing you alot but sounds like ur having fun and the photos are fab! email me wen u get the chance!
take care love clo xxx
Well how impressive is this. I have enjoyed the site over the last few months but cant believe you are actually doing some writing now. And very informative it is too - didnt notice the spelling was too interested in the content.
Keep it up and enjoy.
PS I love the fact that you mention sleep in every blog. I get the impression you are getting enough and probably more than most....
Great pictures. Can imagine you with the turtles!! Very funny
Are there any good looking blokes??? Ha
Take Care
A xx
Just had a look at the photos and they are great. Did you buy a new camera?