DUDE, MORE STUFF!! ITS MARCH YOU KNOW! Those of us who can only dream of a world without gloves and scarves are craving your reports of a different hippy climate!
Hel x
Hey Kate.
Hope you are well. I'm impressed with how much you are writing in your journals, its much longer than my honours project that is due in 4 weeks time. I've had a look at your pics and it all looks so nice, i'm jealous. Wish I had something exciting to tell you about but i don't, i'm going to endinburgh on march 2nd so as phil has a gig there so it will be good to get out of liverpool.
Anyways i will chek out your journal again soon, take care. xxx
I just looked at your pics, it looks so lush! its snowing here and cold and icy your so lucky, hope your both having the bestest time, steak and booze sounds all good to me. Keep up the pics and diary, and yes miss pennington we do want to see pics of you and when you finally return we shall all be ghosts in comparison to your bronzed godessness. :0)
Hey guys!
Patience Karen!
I am now updated bar a few days but tomorrow i will put some of my own pictures on, Its just too sunny outside and I have spent up on the internet so see ya soon!