Hi Kate and David, sorry to get in touch with you two, but I loose the note u write down w/the blog; but I was cleaning and then I founded! I can see you get in one piece to your home country, congratulations! I know you will keep these memories all your live. Best Regards from Cancun, Mexico
Neryl Graham
Welcome home. So happy to have you back in the country. Can't wait to see you tomorrow and hear in person about your awesome trip. Love you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Diane Budd
Hi Dave & Kate. Thankyou for sharing your amazing journey with us. I have read every blog and studied every photo posted. You guys have experienced so many wonderful adventures over the past 8 months.
Thanks for letting us share your adventures. We have enjoyed all of your experiences and you made us feel like we were there with you.
We can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter of your life's story.
Judith Murphy (Nons)
Hello, thank you for those wonderful stories over the past months. So enjoyed reading. Well, you will have a heap of stories to tell. You come home and I head off to Deerhurst to visit for 4 weeks and then stopping by in Perth to meet with Karen and Wends to celebrate Wends 18th Birthday. Your photos have been amazing. Lots of love to you both Nons xxx
Neryl Graham
Getting so close to the end of your journey now. Very exciting for us. I guess very sad for you. Thankyou so much for sharing your trip with us. It has been AWESOME! Looking forward to hugs and cuddles next week - and some more blogs before it is finally over. No doubt you already have plans for your next trip. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kate And Lex
Thanks Nons. We had a great time in Chile! Lots of love and really enjoy your comments too!!
Judith Murphy (Nons)
Hello Kate and Lexi, Happy Easter to you both, hope your holiday is still bringing lots of great times. I do so enjoy reading of your travels and adventures. Lots of love Nons xxxxx
Hi guys, nice blog and pictures you have got! Haha fun to see the wrestling photos again. It was very nice too meat you, and hope we'll meat again! We will send you the pics from Coroico as soon as we get home:) Enjoy the rest of your trip and we will follow you on the blog.
Take care!
Hugs from Oystein and Mia:)
Ps: yesterday we actually rode ostriches! it was so much fun! you must try it!! :) haha
Judith Murphy (Nons)
Hi Kate and Lexi, thank you for more entertaining and colourful stories of your adventures. I have developed a routine where I come and sit down at the computer and settle in for a tour of yet more magic places. I am always relaxed after reading and seeing those incredible photos.
Judith Murphy (Nons)
Hi Kate and Lexi, I just love to sit down and spend time reading your blogs, they make me feel relaxed - although you are having many exciting adventures. Feel like I am reading a beautiful travel book. You both look so happy, healthy and full of fun. Love Nons xoxox
Kate And Lexi
Thank you everyone for your comments. We're glad you're enjoying our blog! Keep the comments coming. We love hearing from you all! Hope you're all well! xxx