Hey everyone!
Sorry I havent blogged for a few days, ive been a busy bee!
I love Granada, its sooo beautiful! It was the last city in Spain to be owned by the Arabics, and it still has a huge arabic influence here, loads of hippy like people, lovely clothes, very relaxed, I could stay here forever!
Yesterday me, Matthew and Patrick (who we met in our hostel, he is verrrrry chatty lol) woke up at 6am, walked up the biggest hill I have ever seen (It was almost vertical!!) and then qued for 3 hours to get a ticket for the Alhambra!
We were amazingly lucky because we only just made it and we were one of the final ones to get a ticket that day, just as we walked out we could hear the tannoy shouting "We are sorry to announce that tickets for the Ahlmabra have sold out", we were so so close!!
Anyway today its back to Madrid then ive got to try and get to Nice, which is appearing seemingly impossible, wish me luck! xx
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