Hey all!
Kate here live from Budapest! Got here this morning after the worst nightmare of a train journey! It was basically 16 hours of hell for me! The electric went out in two carridges, in one the lights and aircon werent working and in the other just the aircon wasnt working, so they stupidly moved us all in to one carridge (The one with lights) and it was awful, too warm and cramped! So me and matt moved back to the empty one with some other people and we managed to get like 5 minutes of sleep before we were moved back to the other carridge! We ended up being moved back and forward!
The carridge was also full of smoking drunk gypsies who wouldnt shut up and we were woken up every time we manged to drift off for our tickets or passports! It just wasnt good!
Anyway we got here, got a shower and went out to meet matts friend Dev (AKA Peter) who is a really nice guy and we spent the day with him (Matts still with him somewhere out drinking, i was too tired and lazy :D!)
We went for a sandwich at Subway (Very Hungarian) and then walked around the city which is very beautiful! We then went to meet Devs girlfriend who works in a part of the zoo so we got in for free! It was really nice to see some animals but i felt sorry for the polar bears, they looked a bit too warm!
In the early evening we went to an island on the Danube in between Buda and Pest and had a nice tea and some beers! Then i had a coffee to warm up while matt and Dev played table football! An enjoyable day i think, i just got a bit sleepy in the end!
I should really go now and get some sleep before I fall asleep at the computer!
Oh, one other thing, im covered in bites! Ive got like tonnes on my face and feet its not good, im itching like mad! Yes, anyway, bed!
Goodnight! x
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