Hey all from the Grand Canyon, Arizona!
Navajo Nation!
So first i need to tell you about last night. It was amazing!! We met our guide for monument valley at 5:30pm and set off on our overnight trip. He showed us so many amazing spots around the area. At one point he took us to where there was an overhead arch in the rock, we lied down and just looked up while he played their native pipes. It was really relaxing, apart from when a cow started mooing and we all pissed ourselves!
We had dinner in a little canyon. It was soft tacos, beans, lettuce, cheese and stake. Yummy! After dinner we did some dancing which was really fun and they sang us songs around the campfire. It was really nice. You kind of felt like you had gone back in time!
We slept that night in a Hogan which is like a mud hut really. It was SUCH an experience, despite being terrified we were going to be savaged by a snake or big spider!!
In the morning we woke up at 5:45 and watch the sunrise. It was the most beautiful sunrise i have ever seen! We had breakfast and headed back to drive over here to the GC! It was fab!
Another note....
Near the start of the trip we started this game where we all had "babies". They were basically a stick which each of you personalised. The aim of the game was to try and steal each others babies and "kill" them. Sounds a bit sadistic but it was actually really fun! Mine died today... Callum stole it and threw it over the side of the Grand Canyon... not a bad way to go i suppose. Quite funny almost!
Hiking in the canyon tomorrow. Sure to be completely shattered by tomorrow night. Not long till im home guys. I CANT WAIT! xx
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