Sounds like China might be a bit more off the beaten track than you bargained for.
Eaten anything odd yet?
Not long and you will be living it up in Dubai though. Make the most of what you've got left
Hi Kate,
We finally exchanged against our new house today - one more step along the process. Also went to see a show house version of our house at the weekend - was good to see what it might look like. I will send you a link to the pics we took of it!
Hope Hong Kong (was/is) fun.
Hi Love,
I assume you have survived your journey. I'll be happier after I have spoken to you again, Take special care, we need you home safe and sound, Love Mum.
Where has everyone gone? Thanks to everyone for the cards and lovely messages we have received in the last few weeks. Where would we all be without our friends? Keep the messages coming I miss you all, jane.,
Thank you Rose...I know I can rely on you and Paul.
Lots of love xxx
Hi Kate your mums being very brave ,and you know we will do all we can to suport both her and phil ,your doing the right thing so dont think your not ,have agreat time in china Harry + nana will be with you all the way ,your very own gardian angles[2 more ].Its bloody cold here so stay in the warm 6 ins of snow today brrrrr xxxxx thinking of you luv rose
Thanks everyone for your you can probably guess from my mum's message, my lovely grandad Harry died a couple of days ago. It feels very odd to be on the other side of the world while it's all going on, but mum's been very supportive in my decision not to come home at this stage for the funeral. Had it been nearer the beginning of the trip, I'd have done it, but I think at this point I'd find it difficult to get myself back out here, particularly under these horrible circumstances. As all of you know, he hadn't been the Harry we all knew and loved for the last few years, and now at least he's back with my Nana.
With regard to what I'm doing, Emily and I changed all our plans this morning and fly out of Oz on Monday to go to Hong Kong, from where we'll go to Shanghai and Beijing. I hope it's going to be great - I think we need some culture. From China, we'll go down into Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore as always planned, and then to Dubai for a little holiday on the way home...
I'd better go, we need to book accommodation and stuff. I want you all to know that I'm ok...sad obviously, but I know that Harry and Nana would both be thrilled for me, and that's keeping me going.
Miss you all xxx
Hi Love,
I hope you are coming to terms with the sad news about Harry. I know you are really sensible and I'm very relieved that you have taken the decision to stay, it would have been a nightmare journey home for you.
I really wish his timing had been a little more on course but as Nana said he always was an awkward so and so.
I have the cough from hell but I'm coping. Nat invited me for dinner tonight because she didn't want me to be on my own, but I really wouldn't have wanted to spread my germs and I'm exhausted so not really much company,it was such a kind thought
Missing you loads ring soon, loads of love, Mum.
Hello All
Well, it sounds like that boat trip was a wash out (ho ho!) - what a pain, but at least you weren't sick. I can't believe you weren't as it sounds like a nightmare.
Exciting news about changing your travel plans - I think longer in Asia will be fab, and if you get the chance do go to Hong Kong - it's wicked! I know I always say it, but I really am very jealous!
I hope Emily is okay and it#s probably good that you're back together now after a bit of a break. At least you'll have stories to share.
Ben and I didn't go to the Ramsay restaurant in the end as one of the blokes was ill. So, we've still got that to look forward to at some point :-)
Nothing more to report really..except that it's freeeeezing here and work is manic as always!
Jane - so glad you like Butterfly and I'm very jealous you're seeing Carmen - I loved it when I saw it at the Royal Opera House! We'll have to have an opera trip when Katie's back!
Anyway, must get on I suppose. Take extra care of yourself Kate and when you get to Asia, watch out for those ladyboys James is talking about!
Loads of love
Jools xx
Hello Kate,
I have been back in the UK for a week now. No exciting news that I can think of. Went to a wedding on Saturday one of my friends from home, that was about it for the weekend.
Went to see the new house - it has some second floor windows now. Still no buyers for Liz's house.
I have just got a load of pictures from my Bangkok trip so when I get them on-line I will send you a link - you can then play the guess which is a lady boy competition! Hours of fun for the whole family.
Julia that Ben story cracked me up :-)
Take Care,
Me (Thankfully A Little Bit Drier!)
We're out of here tonight!! The roads have finally been opened and our escape is possible. Emily and I are back together and we've sent the travel agent an email requesting information on how to go about changing our route and stuff...China is looking likely, along perhaps with a bit of Vietnam as it appears to be between Thailand and China - who knew?!
We're speeding up the rest of Oz, which may or may not be a good idea, but Australia will still be here in the future, so if I feel any major urge to come back for a holiday, I guess I can. I reckon we'll have done everything we want to do here within the next week and a half/fortnight...all change, eh?
Anyway, better go. 10 hour bus trip to prepare for...
Miss you all xxx
You would be so proud of me !!! I lost the internet connection and decided that now I am truly ALONE! I'd better get on and sort it out So spent 25 mins on the 'phone to Orange talking to a lad from what sounded like Scunthorpe (I was having great difficulty understanding him and him me !! ) BUT MIRACLE OF MIRACLES I managed it. I must have been his worst nightmare on a Sunday evening but I knew there was a problem with it and I was desperate to send you a message.
What a shame the rugby was but what a great game. I wished I'd been there but I rewarded my day's painting with a sit in front of the TV. I do feel a bit of a plonker getting so excited on my own but nevermind.
I know we spoke earlier but I always think a message on here is worth it. Madame Butterfly was brill thanks Jools, Carmen in a fortnight, I'm becoming quite the Opera Buff but I am having trouble stuffing all those plums in my mouth for the interval drinks.
Rose's first opera and she loved it!!
I think China sounds amazing I always did think that 10 weeks in Australia mind be a bit tedious you really are more into cities than beaches. Just promise that you'll be very careful and stick with Emily whatever, you've obviously both benefitted from the break so you're ready to go again.
Look after yourself and stay very safe, take no risks and just keep asking yourself what your Mum would think if she knew what you're up to.
Loads of love missing you so much, Mum.
Me! (Soggy)
OK...looking at my last message I said something about it starting to rain. Hmm. Cyclone conditions, torrential rain, gale force's been great - particularly on a katamaran. I met some really cool people though, which was a good job, because we didn't really get to see the Whitsundays, we might as well have been in the North Sea!! I hear Hull is lovely at this time of year! I managed to avoid seasickness despite the 3 metre waves we were sailing through, but it was horrible when I went to bed, because it was a bit like sleeping in a coffin and the boat spent the whole night swaying and blowing in the wind. Anyway, we got back to land in one piece (more by luck than judgment!) and now I'm in stuck in Airlie Beach as the roads are blocked (it's a bit like being stuck in Tenby I think.)
I've just bumped into Emily, whose birthday it is...she's just going on the boat trip now, so she's less than amused. We ended up admitting that we're a bit fed up with Oz, as it's either chucking it down or it's 100 degrees and unbearable. We're thinking that we may leave here a bit earlier than planned and spend more time in Asia...we thought it'd be cool to travel from Thailand up to China or Hong Kong together - that'd be cool, wouldn't it?? I think we've both had a great time on our own and have met billions more people than we did when we were together, but Australia as a whole has been quite hard while she's on the boat, I'll do a bit of research (aka: go for a drink with Mike and Lucy who went to China and Hong Kong and pick their brains...)
Anyway, better go - have probably terrified my mum sufficiently for one message!
Joolio - thank you for your msg babes...can't wait to hear the rest of the Ben story (he's so funny!)
Mum - enjoy the rugby...Come on Wales!!
Miss you all