The same day we visited White Sands, we ended up in Roswell, still in New Mexico but edging ever closer to Texas (us, not Roswell)...We headed there purely because we'd heard of it (which was becoming more and more unusual the further we got from 'civilisation'!) because of the whole alien thing, which I think happened in 1947. Anyway, we headed directly for the Motel 6 (as always when there was no hostel!) and then went out to have a look around. Roswell is a funny place. As you might imagine, there are inflatable aliens and alien puns ('Come eat at Denny's, the food is out of this world!' and such) all over the place, but there's not much else. I imagine that their daily newspaper still harps on about the alien thing because so little seems to go on there...things like 'Local man finds evidence of alien invasion under bed...', 'Local woman causes controversy by suggesting Roswell is overly obsessed with aliens...' etc etc. We stretched out a visit to the UFO museum for as long as humanly possible, which unfortunately wasn't long, and then admitting defeat decided that it might be time for another movie night...Locating the cinema behind the world's most rubbish shopping mall, we went and bought tickets for an evening showing of 'Man of the Year' with Robin Williams, before joining the local youths for a dejected schlepp around the small number of shops they had to offer (where we were asked on a couple of occasions by shop assistants why on earth we would want to visit their home town - nothing like a bit of pride in where you live, is there?!) One of the other (few) things that Roswell had to distinguish it from the other small towns we visited, was a military academy. Even though it was a Saturday and they clearly weren't doing anything military, all the young recruits/pupils/soldiers (?) were decked out in their full uniforms - even in the place we ate that night, where there appeared to one there on a first date and at the pictures later that evening. I suppose at least it takes away the 'what on earth can I wear' conundrum each morning! Anyway, the film was quite funny and it passed what I'm guessing would've otherwise been a very boring evening! Today we also hit the 4000 mile mark...x
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