2 Welsh Girls Chase the Sun!
A couple of hours drive brought us to San Luis Obispo. We'd booked into a hostel which was in a more residential area than we'd been to so far, but was within easy walking distance of the main street. The hostel was by far the smallest we'd stayed at so far with something like 22 beds, and it felt more like staying in someone's house than anything. The guy on the reception was hilarious. His name was Buster and to give you an idea of his age (it'll seem more significant later on)he told us that for his 50th birthday he'd travelled across the country on a bike. I assume he was telling the truth, but he was the most sarcastic American we'd met thusfar so he may have just been taking the mickey. We checked in and went to get our rucksacks out of the car and on our return discovered that he'd been into our room and sprayed Crabtree and Evelyn air freshner and left a Hershey's Kiss for each of us on our pillows which, at the time, we found endearing. We needed recommendations on where to eat so we ended up talking to him for a little while, and he was genuinely quite amusing. He suggested a very popular pizza place called Woodstock's and also the 2 most popular 'attractions' for British tourists - a place called Bubblegum Alley where the walls are absolutely covered in gum. Apparently the gum started appearing in 1960 and nowadays it attracts 300-400 visitors a day, and an underwear shop called 'Fanny Wrappers' (fanny meaning ar$e in American!) where he told us you could also go into a back room to buy a BOB (Battery Operated Boyfriend). At this point I just thought he was quite funny...Anyway, we dutifully went and visited the two sights (photos to follow) and went and ate at Woodstocks, which was possibly the busiest place in the world. We came back quite early (I think there was a 1am curfew anyway - how funny is that!?) and got our photos sorted on the internet and stuff and put some laundry. As it wasn't going to be dry by the time we went to bed, Buster helpfully offered to bring it to our room in the morning. He went to bed, grabbing Emily and kissing her on his way (Hmm.) A couple of hours later we went to bed, making sure to lock our door behind us!
The following morning, we decided to check out early. Breakfast was free of charge so we sat and had some pancakes with a Scottish guy who was on his last day of a 7 month trip of the States (the only ones he hasn't visited being Florida and Hawaii!) What I didn't realise until after we'd left the hostel is that Buster had basically cornered Emily over the washing up and declared to her that he had had to physically restrain himself from coming to our room in the middle of the night and asking her to ''go snuggle'' with him. Jeez. Let's just say I'm glad we hadn't booked in to stay there another night...We still haven't been able to bring ourselves to count how many pairs of knickers are missing from the clean washing he returned to us! x
(PS Mum - don't panic. This is the character building stuff, right?!)
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