Another island, another hellish journey. This time we took a night boat which was basic. Our 'mattress' might have well been a flannel and after getting 'comfy' water started leaking right onto it - magic. luckily that stopped after 20 minutes and we spent the next 7 hours rocking about on a rock hard floor and getting glimpses of sleep. We are getting used to these sort of things now though so as long as we survive its all good! We met a really cool Dutch guy on the boat called Tim (me and kate have decided that the Dutch are a cool bunch of folk). When we got to the island it was full. I mean this in a literal sense as we spent a couple of hours scouring for a room and ending up paying way over our budget for a bit of a hole.Tim was sharing with us though which cut the cost.We headed to one of the islands beaches which was ramma with tourists and RED hot. Ive never been in the sea before where you feel no temperature change to the land, it was ridiculously warm due to the fact it was so shallow, you could walk out by 20 metres or so before it got to your waist. After that we went for some food then to a place called Reggae bar which had a thai boxing ring in the middle (and no reggae). What ensued was part hilarious, part tragic. There was a stale and staged 'real' Mauy thai fight to start which was just a couple of guys spinning and prancing about and not actually kicking or punching each other. After that the ring was opened up for anyone who fancied kicking the crap out of one of their mates. We watched 3 of these efforts where 2 blokes at a time got in the ring in their pants, supping from buckets and then swang their arms about at each other like they were trying to catch angry bees. one numpty swang so wildly that when he missed he dislocated his shoulder. obvioulsy i would have got in the ring to claim the belt had kate not wanted to preserve my good looks.
At this point we were a bit disappoited with Phi Phi as it was just a bit like being in Nottingham with the radiator on what with all the english folk staggering about, but the next day was excellent. Kate and i went for a walk up to a place called viewpoint for a look at the island, once again challenging the midday sun to a battle of wills and failing dismally. The views were spectacular though and we went up again at sunset which was magic. Between these little jaunts though we hired a longtail boat with a wicked guy driving called Che, bandana and mirrored aviators a-go-go. He took us round Phi Phi's smaller sister island for a bit of a snorkel. The water was crystal and the fishes were many, we saw pipe fish, moorish idol, zebra fish, blow fish, puffer fish, clown fish, parrot fish butterfly fish, the list goes on. I thought I saw a turtle kipping on the bottom but this could not be confirmed definately. It was such a beautiful day and we could have stayed all day but we only had Che for 3 hours.
That night me and Tim went fishing in the sea off the beach but caught b***** all, still it was good to have a bit of man time downing some ales while Kate went to do some shopping. In the morning we took the ferry back to Krabi where we are currently chilling before heading off to Khao Sok national park for a few days so hopefully we will have some photos of Gibbons and Tigers next time we blog on.
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