Ello ello homeslices!
kate has fobbed me off with the blog claiming "my space button doesnt work" for the second night running so you have the melrose point of view of the day again =)!
first of all, we woke up with no strange foriegners in our room (this was a very good thing as we have a private room and so we would have been greatly purtubed if some rogue frenchfries had decided to make their presence a necessity..). This was lovely after three weeks of waking up with chinese, american, spanish, south african and the occasional brummie room mates packing their bags at ungodly hours and one time brushing their teeth in the loudest possible fashion she could muster at 7 o'clock in the morning. we then lay in protest to the outside world until about half eleven then decided that that was daft as it looked a lovely day so we started getting ready. This ineviatably took about two hours as the things that you need are of course at the very bottom of the rucksack and the physcing yourself up for launching your whole body into the bag takes a considerable amount of the morning. (this can be compared to, if its ever happened to you obv, when the post man thinks it is a marvellous idea to leave a package, that wouldnt fit into your door whilst you were out, in the wheelie bin meaning you have to basically climb inside to retrive it). After we were ready we ventured out leaving our room a tip as we appreciated the space we had aquire forthe extra five euros a night =).
marseille is a port. It has boats and seagulls and an alarming number of dead fish in the water by the boats that the seaulls were eyeing suspiciously... we went on a mission to find some sun cream which took quite long but we found it and then stood, epitimising english tourists, slapping it on so that we dont ruin our hard worked for pale skin =). We then decided we needed cereal so we hunted some corn pops down (under an obscure french name, but the picture gave them away) and went back to the hostel where we proceeded to inhale two bowls each , appreciting an intake of calcium.
We then sat there reading and rubiks cubing and havnt i done well to make "we went and bought some cereal" to sound that little bit more exciting...
Then we went up to our room, thinking of the mess we left it in an found that it had been TIDIED! This is very strange indeed as this is a hostel not a hotel and so we couldnt belive our luck! this was quickly followed by guilt as some poor individual had to tidy the hole, then by utter mortification as we realised that they would have undoubtedly have smelt the clothes they were folding which would have forced me to quit my job then and there (after regaining conscouisness). They did however steel our shampoo which was a strange thing to do but we see it as a well deserved gift from us...
THEN *monumental moment in holiday* we washed some more clothes =O! Kate genius that she is, took the line of "if it smells clean, it is clean" and washed hers with fase wash, i was normal and used the travel wash and found that if you actually followed the instructions it worked! Mine smell clean as well woop! They are now drying in a contraption we made from our portable washing line where you have to reinact some scenes of every war film ever made as you weave and duck your way to the loo. We will have to take it down for the cleaner though as we fear she may be forced into retirement if we left her staring at a cobweb of string baring our underwear.
Anyhoo, we cooked tea and then read and then i wrote the blog where i rambled endlessly about a day when nothing happened at all and i thank and apoligise to the people who ac tually read this far only to discover that i was just bored and nothing good really happened!
We are finding the beach tomorrow where i heard the beach football world cup is taking place so i may attend and ask if i can play goalie as why the hell do you need a goalie when the goal is three foot across and they just hoof it anyway? a carrer awaits...
Cheerio pip pip!
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