Arrived safely in Ecuador after lengthy delays in Madrid and London due to plane crash in Madrid. Our anxiety was not helped when they started playing the theme tune to the Titanic over the tanoy as the flight prepared to take off. After a long flight we landed to rapturous applause and 8 degrees celsius. Felt pretty crap for the first day because of the altitude but still managed to do a bit of sightseeing around the city. Visited the "centre of the earth" on Thursday. Its basically a line drawn on the concrete which supposedly follows the equator. Took lots of photos of us with one foot on either side etc. Photos to follow. Went to a market today which sold lots of multi coloured knitwear, panpipes, etc. But managed to restrain ourselves from buying loads due to very small bags and three more months to carry them around. Off to the jungle for a few days tonight to see wildlife and get bitten by mosquitos, will be nice to be out in the country after three days in a big polluted city.
Questions for those from Dundee:
1. What is Tallys now known as?
2. What is Braes now called?
3. What is the pub opposite the art school called (Mike had his 21st there).
Neither of us can remember any of the above and it is causing some annoyance. Any help would be appreciated. first person to give all three correct answers wins a prize!
lots of love
max and kate
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