Today we decided to find the Greyhound office in Perth so we could exchange our voucher for a pass. We had asked yesterday at reception and she said it was in East Perth. So we got the train to East Perth and went to the bus terminal where it was supposed to be and we couldn't find it! So we asked again and they told us it was in Wellington St Bus terminal (which is right next to our hostel!) So we walked back to there and again we couldn't find it! We asked and she sent us donw the road but it wasn't there! So we went into STA and they told us there was no Greyhound Office in Perth!! So that was a bit pointless! But at least we got to see another part of Perth.
After that we just went shopping and bought some internet time, but again that was annoying as we bought loads so we could go on skype and ring a few places and then the microphones weren't working! So all in all wasn't a very successful day! But is nice to be back in Perth as its such a lovely city.
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