Today was a long day, we got up early and went to the Queen Victoria Markets where we bought sum souveniers and presents and hopped on the free tourist bus around town. We then went to the Greyhound Office where we exchanged our vouchers for passes. The heavens then opened and we had 2 buy an umbrella, but it was torrential, i was wearing shorts a fatal error!!
We then met Phil and Becky at Flinders Street Staion and we ran through the rain to Nandos for lunch! Getting pretty much soaked on the way!! We then wandered around a bit, then went to a gallery for a bit. Poor Becky then had 2 go 2 work (its a hard life!! poor u Becky!) then we ran to a chocolate cafe where had an imense hot chocolate!
Then we got our stuff and went to coach station where our night proceeded to get more eventful! Firstly this strange man came into waiting room and lay on the floor until security chucked him out. Then we had a stowaway on our bus so we had 2 get security again.
Then an hour into journey the bus pulls over and the driver motions this guy 2 get up. The guy stands up nearly falls over and stumbles down the aisle and goes flying down the stairs, pretty obvious that he is wasted. The driver chucks him off bus but then has 2 call cops as so drunk not safe on his own. Waited 40 mins and then just as the police arrived the guy started 2 fight the driver then the cops until they had 2 forcibly restrain him and sit on him!! Was hilarious!
Then continued the 10 hr journey 2 Canberra!
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