Last night slept so soundly, I was queasy on the plane not as bad as last time and if the readings in the watch was anything to go by its no wonder. Still have to figure out how to change the watch time haven't a clue and forgot the instruction was sure I put them in, oh well lesson learnt. Adapted well to the time change. No brushing teeth with local water, taken malaria tablets etc. now to spray with "off" like aeroguard, to ensure along with mosquito repellant band. Can't be too careful. If I had known the rabies was so prevalent here would have those shots as well.
Raising money for the Rotary-Worlds Greatest Meal to Help End Polio as on Thursday having a group meal as an official welcome to India, Saturday will be the official RFE welcome in Gwalior.
The internet is charged at this hotel, then when you are on it's not easy to connect to what you want, then every time you need to go to a new this it has to connect again that is why I haven't written.
Today it's off to a part time school run by Dr Nischal Pandey And to Rotary club meeting tonight. I plan on buying an amount if biscuits or similar, drinks and some fruit to the school hopefully I am allowed to pay for it. The it's off to see a hospital ands he clinic he set up.
There are some marvellous people in the world and so humble.
Be back later :)
Well been writing on a note pad in the hotel, I forget so much that I tell myself I have to remember.
TRAVEL TIP: take a double adapter when you travel as well as the adapter for that country, because you need to recharge more than one device at a time when you have the chance otherwise something loses out
Nischal is coming today to take me out again though I have no idea what time and even the phone he gave me has no credit on it. All sorted.
We went out to his school and the clinic an amazing amount of good work being done. As well with the one at his village he has started, would love to be able to help if I can
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