Its ok. You don't have to bring home the whole rock. The baggage retreival system at heathrow will never be able to cope.
Hey, what happens if I can't do simple addition? Does it mean I can't leave messages for you?! D'oh!! xxxxxxxxx
WOOOOO!!!! GO KAREN!!! Sounds like you're having an amazing time down under, makes me feel exhausted just reading about it!! Hope you've been following the cricket too, it's thrilling stuff!! xxxxxxxxx
Hi karen, I've been following your adventures. Lots of challenging stuff. When you get back, it'll take you ages to work off the fitness and the bronzed sun tan.
Hi! Hope you are having fun! I have been reading your blog, very cool. Don't do anything I wouldn't do :-) and try not to give us brits a bad name over there I know what your like!!
Thanks for the book. Very interesting. Hope you didn,t fall down the hole in the middle of the volcano. So the Mccarthy's get everywhere. Did he come from Ireland originally I wonder? Lots of love xxxx
tomorrow is TEETH Day....aaaaaaahhhh Hope you`re having fun James is still reminding me that you bought him his thomas socks...and that you are `way` ...Love & Kisses xxxxxx
Shirley And Flo
Hope you are getting a good tan out there. You would certainly be "browned off" here listening to the wind and rain outside. We are back home now not a trace of a tan!!!. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Catherine David & James
Hello New Zealand Hope all is going well.Weather here has been pants!!! so mum & dad aren`t missing anything by being in Dublin.Take care Lots of Love XXXXXX
Sarah Jane
Wow, sounds like you're having a whale of a time! When me and Mary went to LA we mainly just bummed around Venice Beach instead of doing all the touristy things ;), so pretty exciting that you managed to get so much of it done in just a couple days! Meanwhile, Fiji sounds gorgeous and quite an experience, but I hope it becomes a bit less scary!!!
Meanwhile, keep safe and carry on making me wildly jealous with your amazing adventures, being a 3-job working stiff in rainy Seattle over here ;).
Lots of love!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dublin will be sooo boring after reading about your adventures in Fiji.
Catherine David & James
Hello Fiji...WOW
Hope your having a fab time all that sun sea & sand.Love you