Just a quickie from Qingdao, China. I came here via Dalian - I caught a ferry but couldn't look out the window because the glass was frosted!! They were playing a martial arts film. I chose to listen to my iPod to avoid the sound of vomit splattering into plastic bags (sea sick family in the row in front of me...). Luckily I'm the daughter of an Old Sea Dog so no splattering from me.
Went for a walk along the sea front in the rain today - it's nice here, the architecture is leftover from when the town was German. The German's also introduced beer and this afternoon I visted the brewery of China's #1 beer: Tsingtao. It was quite interesting. NOt least because I got some freebies. Hic.
Off to Beijing tomorrow. Finally going to see The Wall!
Shortest Blog ever on Karen's Big Trip!!
Take it easy
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