This week has passed in a quieter fashion. Hard to believe a week has passed actually. Thursday and Friday in the jungle were occupied with packing (yay... not!) and cleaning and jaunting into Kuah to stock up on Bazaar delicacies. We are quite enamoured with the being able to purchase whole fish, grilled over smoking, glowing coals for around A$3-5 each. Quite the novelty indeed. We also like the fixed prices of the Ramadhan Bazaar as seafood restaurants here usually charge by the 100grams... which apparently gives folks a bit of a shock sometimes. We farewelled our 5 furbabies on Saturday and Betty, the small cat/lizard lunch-kin munchkin was doing well. She'll be seeing a vet this coming Thursday (well he'll be seeing her... need to figure out if she's seeing anything out of the dodgy eye). We got a lift back to the beach house in the north of Langkawi and we must admit the ocean breezes and pool are much, much more preferable to the jungle - but having the cats for a couple of weeks was great and we discovered loads of new places to visit. Saturday night we headed down the beach to Scarborough for a grilled mackerel and veges dinner. James had already been suffering a flu bug for a few days but had been soldiering on wonderfully. I succumbed Saturday night to a tummy bug and fainted on Sunday morning when I finally hauled myself out of bed - luckily my knight in shining armour was there to catch me as I toppled off my chair and headed towards the concrete floor. Just overheating in addition to the tummy bug. After spending the last couple of days supervising operations from my day bed and enjoying the ocean view, I'm now close to 100% which is great. Even took a walk down our shell-strewn path this morning to the beach. But that's a whole other story. Yesterday morning we had to escort 4 people off the property after they'd alternately jumped the fence from the villa next door or just wandered in our open gate (we had workers on the property). Some serious boundary issues in these parts. They have all been advised by the owner of the villa that they can't use private property to access the beach. But the words "open invitation" apparently translate to "any fence that's climbable", "any gate that's jumpable" and golly, if the gate is actually open, though obviously leading to a private house, that's like a written invitation. We have been very stern. No-one has breached the borders this morning. We are determined that no precedent be set otherwise we could come down one morning and find people in the pool and on our sun loungers! In other news, we have been a bit starved of clothes shopping opportunities. James in particular needed some knockabout shirts and some more board-shorts/swimming shorts. There don't seem to be charity op shops here (and you know we love them to bits in Ireland, Spain etc in order to replenish our disposable wardrobes). But. And it's a big but. They do have bundle shops. Our first proper visit to a bundle shop was in Kuah when we ventured into the Ooki Bundle Store, which is actually just plain fun to say out loud. This is where all the clothes that Europeans offload end up. Well all the stuff that doesn't get sucked up within the countries of origin anyway. Basically table after table of clothes at between 2-5 RM each. That's 60 cents to say A$1.50 per piece. Got a couple of pairs of swimming shorts at 2 RM each, a cotton shirt that ended up fitting me and, wonder of wonders, a stunning printed cotton kimono - which has now become my favourite bit of kit for swanning about the swimming pool, also 2 RM. So a grand total of 11 RM or less than A$4. As a comparison - shirts in the shops are say 30-50 RM and swim-shorts are around 45 RM or hmmm... A$15. Yup. Crazy money. Remember our motto, which helps keeps this early-retired, not-for-profit venture on the road: "Never, Ever Pay Retail". We delivered our owner to the airport on Monday afternoon for her 3 month venture to the UK and Canada then dragged our rather sick and sorry selves to the food bazaar and also the fruit and vege store for a stock up. Was a bit of a struggle we must admit, but we are now thoroughly provisioned until Friday which is good. Plans for the forthcoming week? Actually - none! We'll see what comes along - can't believe we'll be off on our visa-run to Thailand on 1 July.
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