After a late night lastnight I decided to have a nice sleep-in today. I got up around 10am and did some yoga, checked emails and then went for a walk around the area I was staying. Sean's Mum cooked us a delicious lunch before heading out to see some more of Vegas. On the way we picked up Eric a rock climbing friend of Sean's. When these two get together wow haha your in for an adventure - we walked around old Vegas laughing at the ridiculousness of it and the crazy people that occupy it. Both Sean and Eric have lived in Vegas their whole life's and so it was also very educational. I visited the food chain Heart Attack Grill where you guessed it they serve up the most fatty, greasy and sugary burgers known to man- the waitresses are dressed in nurses outfits and when you enter you are given a hospital gown to dine in, people have died eating here from you guessed it heart attacks, you are not allowed to sue them if you die here and if you are over 350 pounds you eat for free - only in America haha. We continued on checking out street performers, magicians and crazy people. Old Vegas is seedy, tacky and fun - to me much better then the actual strip. We stopped at a pub that claimed to have the biggest pint in the world and then headed for Pawn Stars - The famous Pawn Shop made famous by the TV Show. We arrive and there is a huge line - I can barely believe it 100s of people lining up to get in, we finally reach the front of the line and when are allowed in after being given strict instruction to not take photos and follow in a clockwise direction. The shop is tiny, has barely any stuff, none of the staff from the show are working and it is incredibly overpriced. What an absolute con - we leave disappointed only to catch a glimpse of some filming going on behind the shop, the film crew are really rude and tell us we can't stand around and watch. We head to Eric's house where we are treated to an amazing meal of corn beef and cabbage and to wash it down a $100 bottle of Annapolis (Nappa Wine valley) Pinot Noir - an incredible full bodies wine. Afterwards I try for the first time American apple sauce, Sweet Tea and Mocha Frapuchino. It was great fun hanging out with Sean's mates and learning about Vegas, the people and life. We headed off at 10pm as it was going to be an early start tomorrow.
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