so we arrive at 7am at airlie beach after a10 hr overnight bus... we checked in to our hostel and lucky we could staight ot our dorn so slept till 10 am then got up and went for a wander....
we bumped in to clare and kirsty and headed to the lagoon with them and faye and charlotte,... a couple of girls clare and kirsry had met up the coast.... we had a fun day in the sun playin ball and running from what clare thought was a baby turtle in the lagoon( it was actually a cockroach swimmin in the water hahha)
we decied to go get showered and meet at the supermarket... we bought some meat n bread and then headed to tho bottle shop and treated ourselves to crates of larger and cider...... and headed down to the beach for a bbq........ then went to a few bars........
today is lauras bday and in a few hours we ar5e setting sail on the clipper( the party boat) round the whitsundays islands for 2 days and 2 nights....... we neet to gio buys some boxes of goon ready for a messy few days.......... cant wait......
u lot5 are all in fior a treat cos lauras agreed to fill this in after the weekend and tell u all bout our weekend sailing!
hello there guys, its laura hear, for the 1st time on this blog, hope my spelling is some what better than julies!!! lol so on the day of my birthday we were setting sail on a boat called the clipper ( the party boat ) to sail around the whitsundays. we set sail about 3:00 pm and the sun was shining so off to a good start, to make sure we had enough booze we took 2 boxes of goon to last us 2 nights. we couldnt take bags with a zip on so had to buy a new eco friendly bag to take out things in..... there wer 53 people on our boat and 7 crew members, they were such a good bunch and everyone got on very well with each other. after setting sail we all chilled on the top deck and had a safety breifing given to us by Jimmy, it was his 1st time at giving the breif so we all tryed to encourage him.... then we were given our rooms they were probs a meter and a half by a meter and a half square.... 3 bunks in our room and we were sharing with a nice dutch girl called meryl...... after we had dumped our bags and got the goon out it was time for tea, i had yummy fish and mash potato ( for the 1st time EVER ) and julie had sausage...... then it was back up to the top deck for some pary games, we had to get into teams of about 8 with 2 guys in each team, but the boat was out numbered with girls we ended up in a team of 10 girls..... our team name was 20 t***!!! lol we won 5 points for the team name.... the 1st game we had to pass an orange up the line between legs and mouth without it dropping to the floor, sadley we didnt win that one....... the second game was a girl on girl arm wrestle WE WON!!! the 3rd game needed one guy and one girl from each team sadly due to the lack of men i had to stand up and be the man.... i had to lick vegimite of our girls tummy.... its a good job i like vegimite and guess what WE WON AGAIN!!! the 4th game was a sex possition game again needing one male and one female, this time julie manned up as the man :-) the 3 possitions were doggy, cowgirl and dipstick the slowest team got kicked out, we came second in that game..... then we had to perform a talent contest...... we did want to do the full monty whilst stripping out of wetsuits but they wouldnt let us borrow them... boohiss..... so in the end we were american soldiers and julie was osama binladen. we only had out bikini tops on with our bed sheets wrapped around with black face pain on, julie had a turban on and a black beard!!!! we shot binladen and turned around and dropped the sheets lol everyone was soooo shocked and we could not stop laughing. after the games it soon quietend down..... a few of us started playing the drinking game 21, as it was my birthday i was queen and anything i said went, so i got all the girls to drink, i got to wear a funky helecopter hat and got the boys to do pressups..... i sloped off to bed not long after ( we had drunk nearly a full box of goon ) in the morning we were up at 6:30 am to the crew singing ( they had very nice voices).... breakfast was tea, toast, fruit and cereal mmmm...... as it is stinger season at the moment to be able to go in the sea you need to wear a stinger suit so we were all given one of them, then we headed off in the little boats to whitehaven beach. we spent about 2 hours there sitting on the beach and some people brushing there teeth with the really fine sand. and of course a lot of group photos, i think we tried to do a 53 person pyramid..... lol....we then headed back to the boat for dinner this was full of bread, cheese, ham and salad again mmmmmm..... we had a little time to the the food settle then it was time to hit the water and go snorkling me and julie had also put our names down to go scuba diving, thought i would treat myself seen as it was my birthday...... we hit the water and saw ssooooo many nice pretty fish, then it was time to get kitted up to do the dive, to be honest i was s***ting myself lol, there were only 4 people in our team as well as the instructor and the photographer.....once i got used to the breathing and how to drive my body through the water i loved it........ after the dive it was time to dry off and chill julie took a shower but me been the scruff i am decided i couldnt be bothered!!!! lol we then sat round drinking tea and eating cookies :-) mmmm..... i decided i was tired so as per usual i took one of my famous naps...... then it was time for tea, another plate full of spagbol and garlic bread....... after tea i tried to get back on the goon but could not get used to drinking it for another night, then the games started and everyone was getting dressed up into old womens clothes i decided to slip out of these games and had an early night..... from what i could hear and from julies descriptions it was a fun night had by all....... 6:30 wake up call again and some more nice toast for breakfast ( this weekend is the best we have been fed for ages ) after breakfast we got to get back into our stinger suits and head out to another part of the reef to see some more fish, the challange was to help julie find nemo cos i think she was the only one who hadnt seen him.... after about 5 mins of been in the water he was spotted and she got her wish to see nemo :-)......... she was then dragged into the boat not so lady like!!!! lol but very funny to watch ha ha ha ha. back on the boat and julie went down the slide into the sea i think i got a good pic of her, then it was time for dinner of hotdogs and to head back to the dock or airlie beach to go back to the hostle........ tonight there is an after party for the clipper gang so were heading out about 7:30 for $3 drinks and FREE pizza. hope you have liked my post and i think i can say my spelling is slightly better than julies, and another note......BEST BIRTHDAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!! :-) xxx
well done laura.... way better than me with the typing and spelling.........
the clipper was amazing,,,, it really was the party boat... was like an 18-30s crossed with being in paradise...... the boat was massive and had a water slide and hot tub on the deck....
when the crew did our washin up after our meals they put music on and serinaded us all ... it was so funny. but of course we all joined in..... on the 1st nite when we wear docked there was so many big fish swimming round the boat. the water was so clear ... after the games when we wear all dressed up for our talent show we all jumed in the hot tub..... was a very funny nite.........
diving was amazing.... loved it we wear swimmin with A Giant Mauri Wrasse fish a cvalled elvis. it was over a meter in size..... search for it on google......gutted i didnt find neno tho....
that nite when the boat was docked we all sat and watched the dolpins jumpin and swimmin right next to the boat along with some sharks too.... was amazing..... that nite when laura sneaked off to bed at 8.30 we played more games and it was rainin so we wear all soaked and a few boat ended up naked as a result of the me tho) we did a lot of singin and dancin ....i lost my voice...... amazing few days with a great bunch of people......
the after party was good. we got free dominos pizza and driks wear only 3 doller...... got a bit messy and laura ended up in bed again and i ended up at a clubbimg with the clipper people...... was so much fun but we had a 9am bus to townville to go to magnetic island......
next mornin when we wear snokling i managed to find 2 nemos... loved it..... also we saw elvis and a femail one too... mqanaged to stroke elvis....... the snoking on the 2nd dAY WAS better than the 1st day ....... after snokling we headed back to the boat n i played on the slide hha.... was just bout to say to one of the girls in the water "dont u think its wierd we was waching sharks n dolpins in here last nite and today we r swinnin here" when i felt summot grab my leg. after a big kick and a squeel and an f word one of the crew bobbed up.... what a s***! lol....then after gettin out we looked down and there was huge fish swimmin round. like a meter long... gutted i didnt have my snorkes there.......
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