Arrived in Melbourne and its Raining and overcast!!! We got to Jools friends house where we are going to be staying while in Melbourne.
Went diving in just outside Port Philip bay, Had a great dive, although we couldnt get the anchor up after the dive, so we had to cut it of with a table knife as it was well wedged in somewhere, it took a while for jools to saw through the rope. The water was very cold indeed 16 degrees so we only did 1 dive as it was so cold.
Spend 2 weeks in Melbourne before we flew to NZ for 3 weeks.
Flew back from NZ today, we are house sitting for my friend for 4 days, she has a lovely house with land in the suburbs of Melbourne, We are house sitting and looking after the amimals, 2 dogs, 2 rabbits, 4 goats, 5 sheep, 2 donkeys & chickens so we are going to be kept busy for the 3 days they are away, we went diving most days whilst staying there, really enjoyed having some home comforts, Had a day out with Rosie round the wineries, brewery & homemade cheese place, had a great day although felt a little light headed towards the end as we tried all the wines, red, sparkling & white at each place, then we finished the day off by doing some cheese tasting to.
Flew to Hobart(Tasmania)for 3 days, we had a 6am flight so we stayed just outside the airport so that we could just get up and get on the plane, Jools friend Ian came and picked us up from the airport, went to the top of Mt Wellington, It was freezing up there as there was snow right at the top, there is a beautiful view out over Hobart, we stayed at Ian & Emilys with there 3 children, had a lovely time with them, also went to Port Aurthur which is the first settlement in Tasmania where convicts were brought over from England and set to work boys as young as 9 were sent there too. The sscenery is beautiful here! Went to a wildlife park where we saw, Tasmanian devils, possums, Koalas, Kangaroo's, wongle the Wombat, & a large owl, really nice place and not that expensive to go in either. Time to fly back to Melbourne!
Stayed at Rosie's for a couple of days, went out diving in the mornings then headed off into NSW (new south Wales) Reached Eden its a lovely litlte seaside town, we dived on 2 tugs that have been sunk in the bay, saw 10 dolphins today, waited at the harbour while Jools went off and got air fills so we could do our second dive, in the time the locals decided to stop and chat to me and tell me all about the story of Old Tom the killer whale that used to help the fishermen herd whales into the bay, I did find this story very intresting but after 30mins of her still going on about it I needed rescuing, luckily she managed to find someone new to talk to, her poor husband I can imagine he pretends to be deaf when she starts going on, then on to my next local person, he managed to tell me the history of the town and all about the boats in the harbour, including his I had a step by step account of how he restored his boat, luckily I was saved by Jools. The next day we were both accosted by yet another local who started going on about how rich people always getting richer and poor people dont stand a chance getting good jobs etc and didnt like captitaism and was all for communeism so Jools told him to move to Russia.... we drove off and left him to it ... we do meet some very different people on our trip!! I think some people are just bored and like a good debate sometimes. Then on to the next place a couple of hours drive away, we reached Jervis bay and the weather is amazing today, did 2 dives, saw leafy seadragons & Port jackson sharks, stayed at Jervis Bay national park which wasw just amazing, we had a couple of the backpackers admiring our boat which was nice.
We then drove to Wollongong where Jools friend lived so we are going to stay with him for a couple of days then off past Sydney and on to Coffs Harbour,
Sorry for the lack of updates xxx
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