Hey gorgous girls, sounds like your having such an amazing time. Wish we were with you, Ruby keeps asking if you're both still in the sky....hope not! Keep the blogs coming we're all waiting for the next installment to take our mind of our chilly waather. Love to you both, stay safe xxx
Simon Cowell
X-factor update, bottom two is Jedward and Lucie, and somehow Lucie is out!
Hello Guys, sounds like you are having a fantastic time, are you going to go to Ramsey street? That is one of my goals in life! I am such a neighbours geek. Not much happening here, its getting chilly, soon time to dig out the winter coat I think. Loving reading your travel tales, keep em coming!
Sally & Baz
Hey ladies,
Glad to hear that you're having fun, although feel very tired just reading about it!
How many steps to see a buddha! Did you not see enough of those on Thailand to not bother with physical exercise :) Although I guess it justified thoswe personal training sessions.
Can we have some photos posted soon please.
Take care guys, and keep us updated.
PS-skeg do not look at the newest Radiology ball photos on facebook. To say they are bad is an understatement. You and I should not drink together xxxx
Janet & Richard
Hi Folks
Sounds like you are having an amazing time we are both fine no sign of barr junior yet will be 38 weeks on Friday. Samatha P is calling for coffee on Friday morning. Just taking it easy and relaxing chat soon janet & richard xoxo
Hey Guys, Wow it sounds ACE!!! Have a lovely time!
Julie...watch out when Karens got the camera out, In New York she was worse than a Chinese Tourist for taking photos HAHA.
Have fun, and look after each other. love Fee xxx
Mr B
Hi both, wow sounds like you have been busy! Hope the accomodation is ok in Melbourne, if not, just go somewhere else soon!Looking forward to the pics, take care and mind how you both go, Love Ross xxx ps - I hope I get the maths question right else you wont read this. Now whats 2+2...?
Hi you two
Sounds as though you have had fun - your fitness levels must have imroved with all that climbing! Can't wait to see the pictures when you put them on. Hope your bodies are getting used to all the time changes you have gone through. I am totally confused!!! Take care, love mum xxx
sent you a message but didnt come through apparently. Hope you have a great time. Take care and be safe
Watch out for the Kangarillapigs
Hi all,
Karen text me today saying her and Julie are having an amazing time in Hong Kong, and are heading to Melbourne in the morning.
I am sure we shall all hear more soon.
Simon, Cheryl, Louis And Danni
Sunday night X-Factor: Rachel and Lloyd in bottom two, Rachel is eliminated on public vote!
Hi both!!
Well done on getting to Hong Kong safely and soundly! I survived Dale's BBQ without illness so all is well here! Just having a lazy Sunday.
Enjoy HK, have a great few days and look after eachother. Speak soon, love Ross xxx