Havent heard from you in a week or so , hope ur having a great time! its cold and wet here!
Enjoy ur last 2 weeks.
Stay safe.
Love Feee xx
Hey guys, glad to hear you got to Brisbane ok! Hope you enjoy it before you move on again!
Look after eachother, and hear from you soon,
Love Ross xxx
Simon Cowell
Sunday night X-Factor update...Bottom two are Olly and John and Edward. Finally, they make the right decision, John and Edward are voted out by the judges!
Hi there
Just reporting in that Richard and I are safely back from Egypt. Both poorly whilst we were there but had a good rest - probably more of a rest than you two are having! Weather here is horrible and not sure if Ross has said, but the Lake Distrist has been hit really badly with flooding - not the weather you had Karen when you were up there with him all those weeks ago.
Everyone is fine here - Lady is missing you I am sure. She was pleased to see us when we got home so she only has three weeks to go until you are home. Love to you both - take care and have fun.
Love mum xxxxxx
PS Missing you loads!!!!
hey ladies, good to hear you're having a fab time, loving the blogs, it sounds amazing! xxx
Hi girlies
Glad to hear you are having a brilliant time. It sounds amazing and were so jealous. Can't believe you saw a shark, scary!.
We are on nights at lovely work!. So you have gave us something to talk about and entertain us for a bit.
Keep us updated, Loads a love Alex and ALison H and Dan.
Dan says your missing loads of goodie :)
its not right that you should be having so much fun when we are here being miserable. Hate you with a passion !!!!
really JEALOUS !!
Wow the pictures look great! Get some of Oz up soon! Hope you're both having fun and Julie survived her sky-dive without any soil!xxx
Denise, Ruby & Rowan
Amazing! I want to be there. Just get some photos posted we need a visual xxx
Simon Cowell
Sunday night X-Factor update! Lloyd and Jamie in bottow two, Jamie goes out on public vote! Dibby Lloyd and annoying twins survive again!xxxx
come on come on get some pics on. Its orrible here. High winds and loads of rain. Ross went up to leicester today (sat) to check on things. Hope you are all ok. Take care. hope I get the maths right!!!!!!
Oh guys! Sounds like your days are fun filled and happy. It takes me back and making me smile. Hope the weather gets alittle better for you. Get some more photos up! see ya soon xx